Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 363

Master classes:

What if there are no color LEDs?

It often happens that you don’t have color LEDs at hand. But you can find a way out of any situation. For example, make colored LEDs from white LEDs. . .

Large fan from coolers

In the fight against heat, all means are good. Here I will give you an idea on how to make a fairly powerful fan from coolers.

Bike rack

Anyone can make such a wonderful bicycle stand. It's just a bike holder. Agree - leaning a bicycle on the wall is not as good as it seems - it often falls and the kickstand does not always save you. . .

Eternal flashlight or Faraday flashlight

An eternal flashlight or Faraday flashlight is the name given to a flashlight with an alternative power source. That is, this flashlight does not require batteries or battery charging. To light it, you need to shake it. The flashlight itself contains a generator and

Robot - beetle

Robot - beetle Believe it or not - there is no simpler robot!!! Electronics - 0% Radio components such as transistors, microcircuits and others - 0% What do you need? - a couple of motors, buttons and batteries. Yes, I almost forgot - the presence of a brain and hands :-)

Simple multimedia projector

The time of the USSR is a thing of the past and left behind various trinkets that are no longer needed by anyone. For example, you probably have a slide projector or filmoscope in your closet. Nobody needs him anymore, and it’s a shame to throw him away... Let’s give him a second one

Computer filter

I don’t know about you, but I’m already tired of cleaning my computer. The fact is that my PC is in the bedroom, and the dust from the sheets and pillows is simply unbearable. I'm tired of disassembling my computer every month and sucking out mountains of dust. I decided to upgrade my PC and put it in

How to make clear ice

How to make clear ice? - I think many of you have already asked a similar question. After all, when ice freezes, for some reason it becomes cloudy. How to achieve this? There is no secret, everything is extremely simple and does not require additional equipment.

Windmill from a cooler

The cooler windmill is more of a toy than a real one. It produces 1.5 - 2 volts in a breeze of 4 km/h and at a current of 20 mA, which is quite enough to charge one battery. But you can do more than one, so there is still a prospect. . .

Lemon kvass

Today I will present you a recipe for an excellent tasty and refreshing drink - lemon kvass.

A real computer mouse

A real mouse is a very cool and unusual device.The mouse, of course, is not real - it is a toy for a cat, bought at a pet store. . .

Mobile phone holder

This irreplaceable trinket will help you get rid of a number of minor problems associated with charging your cell phone battery. I think there is no point in talking about these problems: the cord is too short or long, the connection is unreliable

Free air conditioning

Yes, the summer was a success, it’s not too hot for a child. There is nowhere to hide. At home the temperature confidently reaches 50 degrees Celsius! What to do ? Normal air conditioners are expensive, and they consume a lot of energy. There is a way out, of course it’s not great,

Making phosphor at home

A phosphor is a substance capable of converting the energy it absorbs into light radiation. The color of the glow can be different and depends on the light filter applied to the surface of the phosphor or its impurity. Photo phosphor is a powder that

Wind generator with generator without magnetic sticking

Since there is no magnetic sticking, the propeller rotates happily from the slightest breeze, which you can’t even feel on the ground. When there is operating wind, it develops high speeds, I have a 2A ammeter with direct connection, so it often goes off scale by 12

Connecting the Dendy joystick to the computer

In the article I will not only tell you how to connect a Dandy joystick to a computer, but also offer you to download games for Dendy, Nintendo, and Sega consoles. So even if you are not going to connect a joystick, you can just download games and play on a regular

flying propeller

Just like that, without any extra work, you can launch your propeller into the sky. Quite an interesting game. With several people you can organize competitions and have a good time. . .

Fun paper cube

This funny cube adds to our collection of interesting paper toys. A great way to spend your free time, no matter how old you are. You can put it together at school and in the office, everyone will be jealous. Video instructions for production.

Generator for wind turbine

Most wind generator builders are faced with a problem - where to get a generator? The usual type from a car or motorcycle will not work, as they need high revs. Today we will make a generator specifically for a windmill. It's simple


A true DIYer can turn even a piece of paper into a small miracle. . .

DIY lamps

Any homemade lamp is beautiful and unusual. Of course, no one has this except you! I will give you a couple of dozen designs of homemade lamps. After all, the main thing is the idea, not the material!

Jacob's Ladder

Jacob's ladder - two electrodes located as in the picture are called. It is most likely the most beautiful use of an electric arc :))) And it works like this: an arc appears at the bottom of the electrodes, the air around it heats up and

Book - hiding place

A quirky book like this can be a neat way to hide something, whether it's a spare key, a secret note, or even money. Most people wouldn't think of treating your library as a cache of private or personal's the same

Banana cocktail

Continuing the banana theme, I want to share a banana smoothie recipe. Traditionally very simple and very tasty. Believe me, McDonald's is resting!