Sewn dolls
Master classes:
DIY towel doll
Nowadays, many interesting and original gifts can be bought in a store or ordered online. But they all do not convey the feelings and emotions that we want to put into them. There are such holidays and celebrations when it is difficult to choose
Textile doll
Recently, textile dolls have come into fashion. The Tilda doll and the Big Leg doll are very popular now. Professional needlewomen sew incredibly beautiful dolls. But they have a lot of experience in sewing and professional materials, so it’s worth this
How to sew a textile interior doll
What original gift should I give to a first-grader? How about a hand-sewn textile doll? Such a gift will be symbolic not only for a girl going to first grade, but also for a graduate. To sew the body, a piece of thick fabric was used
How to sew a textile doll step by step
A doll made by yourself is always individual. It can be created from various materials and become a unique gift for your friends and family.Making a textile doll yourself is not at all difficult if you have ever
Toy “Good Brownie”
The fairy tale about a cute brownie inspired my granddaughter and me to create our own creativity. Finding materials took perhaps more time than sewing itself, because we came up with a simple pattern and worked with four hands.
Elephant Tosya
Many of us love making toys with our own hands. This exciting activity can bring a lot of joy to our children, because a mother who knows how to sew and knit is able to make any toy for her child. Consider today a master class on
How to sew a Waldorf butterfly doll
Waldorf dolls are traditional textile folk dolls, they got their name thanks to parents who use them in raising their children according to Waldorf pedagogy. The dolls themselves are made only from natural materials,
Amulet doll “Plantain”
When preparing men for a trip, girls (women) often put a hand-made miniature amulet doll “Plantain Girl” made from pieces of fabric with their loved ones along with their belongings. In the hands of the doll there was a bundle in which several grains of millet were hidden.
Rag doll Snow Maiden
Before the New Year, the counters of shops selling Christmas tree decorations, Christmas souvenirs and tinsel are decorated with soulless beauties Snow Maidens in identical brocade dresses and cheerful Chinese Santa Clauses resembling Santa Claus
Rag doll Motanka
The motanka, made by loving motherly hands, will certainly please your daughter. Making a rag doll is so simple that even a four to five year old child can do it.
Amulet doll “Share”
The “share” is made and given to both married and unmarried girls and women. It has long been believed that this amulet doll helps the female sex to arrange or improve their destiny. An integral advantage of this amulet is that a share can be
Folk doll
Nowadays, quite a lot of attention is paid to traditional crafts; we are learning again to do what our ancestors knew how to do. And this is good, because this way we can understand how these people lived, what they believed in and what they were afraid of. One of the traditional crafts is