Textile doll

Recently, textile dolls have come into fashion. The Tilda doll and the Big Leg doll are very popular now. Professional needlewomen sew incredibly beautiful dolls. But they have a lot of experience in sewing and professional materials, so such a doll is quite expensive.
DIY textile doll

But what should mothers do who want to make a textile doll with their own hands? You can sew a doll without a sewing machine and without professional seamstress skills, from materials that can be found in every home. For example, flesh-colored fabric can be taken from some old thing (for me it’s an old grandmother’s scarf). The padding polyester for filling can be taken from an old soft toy. You'll also need some knitting thread (or borrow hair from an old Barbie doll). Well, threads and needles can be found in every home.
DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

First you need to find and print a pattern (or redraw it). You will find many similar patterns on the Internet. I suggest choosing the simplest pattern.
We transfer each detail of the pattern onto the fabric. Pay attention to the hands, you outline one hand, then turn the pattern over and draw the other hand.
Don't forget to allow seam allowances.
DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

We sew all the details. We leave the unstitched part at the top of the head, as well as the feet.We sew the handles completely.
To make the feet, take two ovals from cardboard and cover them with fabric. Then we put the resulting ovals into the leg pattern and stitch it.
We turn out the parts of the arms and legs using small cuts.
Now we fill all the parts with padding polyester.
DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

Sew on the arms and legs, using buttons to hide the seams.
Sew the head at the top of the head. The seam will be covered by hair.
We take the threads and try them on the doll. Place it on your head to create bangs in front.
We place a line along the head to secure the hair. Then we trim the ends of our bangs and even out the length of the hair.
Real craftswomen paint the doll's face with acrylic paints, but you can do this with multi-colored pens or felt-tip pens.
In order not to bother with clothes, you can sew a sundress for a doll from the sleeve of an unnecessary children's dress.
DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

We simply cut off the sleeve, attach the straps to it, and stitch it at the back.
The doll's hair can be braided.
DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

DIY textile doll

This is the kind of doll you can sew at home, without any special skills or professional materials.
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Comments (4)
  1. Smi346
    #1 Smi346 Guests 22 August 2017 14:41
    When I was a child, my younger sister and I also sewed dolls and other Stuffed Toys. I read the article and was very surprised that in our modern world, textile dolls have even become fashionable.Still, a doll made with one’s own hands is much “more expensive” than a purchased one.
  2. Aliaska
    #2 Aliaska Guests 22 August 2017 23:42
    I really want to start making dolls, but I still don’t have time. Thank you for the inspiration! I immediately wanted to take up the thread and needle.
  3. Milochka
    #3 Milochka Guests 26 August 2017 17:50
    Well....again I decided to try myself in this business, the business of sewing. Honestly, compared to some of my “victims”, the doll was made surprisingly quickly and easily.
  4. squash Cavier
    #4 squash Cavier Guests June 27, 2019 10:53
    It's a pity for grandma's scarf