Alcohol lamp from a light bulb

Has a light bulb burned out?
It doesn’t matter, don’t write off throwing it away - we’ll give it a second chance as a spirit lamp.

DIY alcohol lamp

What you will need for this:
Two incandescent light bulbs, several washers of different diameters (to form a nozzle) and a wick or a small piece of cord.

light bulb nuts

First of all, we separate the bulb itself from one of the light bulbs; to do this, you need to carefully remove the base using pliers, while holding the light bulb in your hands, it is better to wrap it with some kind of cloth, so as not to cut yourself, if the bulb bursts, we knock out the field with a screwdriver the neck of the flask, you can act more delicately and cut this place with a glass cutter. Next, take the spiral out of the flask and pour out the remaining glass.

remove the base

knock it out with a screwdriver

From the second light bulb we only need the base; you can get it by simply breaking the light bulb, after wrapping it in fabric so that the fragments do not fly away. We leave only the metal part of the base, knocking out all the insulation, now we begin to form the spirit lamp nozzle itself, for this we take washers and glue them with epoxy resin to the base, forming the required diameter of the nozzle.


All that remains is to glue the base with washers to the empty bulb from the first light bulb, insert the wick and make some kind of stand for the bulb, the easiest option is to cut out a small rectangle of the org. glass and glue the flask to it.

thread the wick

It is preferable to use ethyl sleep as fuel for refueling; it burns without soot and leaves virtually no odor after combustion.

alcohol lamp from a light bulb

More detailed video instructions:

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Comments (1)
  1. Ella
    #1 Ella Guests December 12, 2015 09:23
    Interesting of course. But a light bulb can burst or break due to carelessness. There won't be a fire in this case?