Bracelet "Shambhala"

Bracelets called Shambhala burst into fashion like a whirlwind. This is the art of macrame combined with delicate beads. Depending on the type of lace and the beads themselves, such bracelets are divided into men's and women's. In this MK I will show you how to make a stylish and delicate bracelet for a girl.
To implement my plan, I will need:

I will need

6 large beads;
2 small beads;
lace for macrame;
1 hour of free time.
The first step is to cut the lace into three pieces: one should be twice the circumference of your wrist, and the other two should be 50-60 centimeters long.

cut the lace

We tie them into a knot, leaving tails about 8 centimeters long.

We tie them into a knot

For ease of operation, it is best to fix the knot on a surface. I do this with a regular sewing pin, but you can also use tape. The segments should be located so that the short one is in the middle, and the two long ones are at the edges. Now we begin weaving. Shambhala knots consist of two parts. For the first half, you need to do the following movements: the right lace needs to be threaded under the central one and placed on top of the left one, and the left one needs to be carried over the middle one and threaded through the loop formed by the right one.

secure the knot

Pulling the ends of the long cords in different directions, tighten the loop.The second part is no more difficult to do. Now we start with the left cord. All actions are performed in the same order.

Pulling the ends

Only one knot is performed this way. To start a bracelet you need to weave 5-6 knots of this type.

weave a knot

Now it's the lighter's turn. With its help, you need to singe the tip of the middle section of the cord in order to string the beads.

singe the tip

it's the lighter's turn

We move the first bead to the knot and make one full knot.

make one full knot

advance the second bead

Next, we advance the second bead and repeat the procedure. Thus, we braid all the beads prepared for the bracelet.

braiding of the last bead

After braiding the last bead, you need to weave another 4-5 knots, as in the beginning.

cut off excess pieces of cord

Now we cut off the extra pieces of cord, but only from the outer sections, since the remnants of the middle will serve as the basis for the fastener.

melt with a lighter

To prevent the bracelet from unraveling, it is better to melt the edges with a lighter.

bracelet should look like

This is what the bracelet should look like at this stage.

small beads

Next, we put small beads on the remaining ends of the cord.

remaining ends of the cord

tie small knots

Now you need to tie small knots so that the beads do not fall off.

do the last step

We begin to make the last stage - the fastener. To do this, align the ends of the bracelet and stretch a piece of cord about 15 centimeters long under them.

tie a regular knot

Next, we tie a regular knot so that the edges of the new lace are at the edges.

The clasp is carried out

The clasp is made using the same macrame knots. You shouldn't make too many knots, 5-6 will be enough.

melt all unnecessary sections

And by analogy, we melt all unnecessary segments.


This is what the bracelet looks like on your hand.

looks like a bracelet on your hand

looks like a bracelet on your hand

And just like that on your own.

Shambhala bracelet

Shambhala bracelet
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