Make your own pump for SVO

Well, I think some have already guessed what a water cooling system is - it’s a water cooling system. What's happened water pump ? - This is a pump that forces coolant to circulate through the system. In this article I will tell you one example of a homemade pump.

The engine of our homemade pump is a cooler. I took the standard 60 mm. and for a current of 300 mA I advise you to take a 120mm cooler with a maximum current for normal results!

Let's start. First, let's break off its outer casing and wings. See the picture. Then we’ll cut it into 6 parts so that we can glue our own impeller.

We will coat with sealant or epoxy everything where water or coolant can get in, because our cooler will be completely immersed in liquid.

I cut an impeller from a blue pen cap. And glued it.

Next, you need to take a vessel the diameter of our engine and attach it there with glue. See photo.

Coat the outlet of the wires with sealant. We do everything without cracks.

We glue a transparent lid with a hole in the center on top - this will be the water inlet. The tube on the side is the exit.

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Comments (8)
  1. sht@ket
    #1 sht@ket Guests December 2, 2011 10:11
    It just seems to me that if you change the direction of the blades the effect will be much better... wink
  2. samodelk
    #2 samodelk Guests 4 January 2012 18:28
    It’s not better that through those blades the water will be captured and paganly released
  3. Sizak
    #3 Sizak Guests 10 November 2013 17:01
    I don't really like the idea of ​​having to break the cooler.
  4. nik
    #4 nik Guests 15 January 2014 23:16
    and it won’t jam in a day wink
  5. Vlad
    #5 Vlad Guests March 9, 2014 01:36
    The idea is not original, I thought of this myself - a pump was needed for the fountain, if possible for free... I used scraps of blades for the wings - they are slightly curved. The plastic of the coolers melts very well with a soldering iron, so I made all the connections without glue, using a soldering iron. Result: The height of the blades had to be reduced to 5 mm, since the rotor was strongly slowed down by the water, the inclination of the blades was also increased - as in the figure, only obliquely, the beginning is at the front edge of one blade, the end is at the rear edge of the adjacent blade. The height of the water column has increased, but this is really not enough - the cooler’s motor is weak. As a result, I took a motor from a tape recorder and lengthened the shaft greatly so that the motor was higher than the water level. Only then did this pump work effectively! It’s just a bit noisy, because the motor is a commutator motor...
  6. Siphon
    #6 Siphon Guests 19 August 2015 19:27
    Well, your output tube is pointing in the wrong direction :))) Gee-Gee. You should look towards the flow of water, and not behind it. Eh...
  7. Alexander
    #7 Alexander Guests 18 February 2016 15:32
    The idea is not bad, but not every fan (even 120mm) can actually pump water. Most often he will simply beat it inside. Or the flow through it will be minimal, and there’s nothing to say about pressure. It’s easier to buy a pump for mini-fan fountains, since the Chinese rivet them for any water flow. So, in this case, you will receive a finished and 100% working product, and its price will not be more than that of the same 120mm cooler.
  8. Guest Pavel
    #8 Guest Pavel Guests March 15, 2019 11:52
    guys, there is an idea to use a water meter with any motor. How about we try?