Simple pipe cutter

Such a simple device for cutting pipes can be made by every craftsman who has the skill of working with metal. The design of the pipe cutter is simple, and its manufacture will take no more than 20 minutes.
Simple pipe cutter

Will need

To make a pipe cutter you will need:
  • A piece of rectangular profile.
  • A piece of a motorcycle chain.
  • Stud with nut.
  • A piece of pipe with an internal diameter equal to the diameter of the stud or slightly larger.
  • A roller from a pipe cutter - you can easily buy it at a spare parts and tools store.
  • Steel plates with a hole for attaching a roller.

Simple pipe cutter

You will also need an electrode for welding and, of course, a welding machine.

We make a pipe cutter

We assemble the assembly that will hold the cutting roller. I made such plates in advance from thick steel. You can also find them ready-made.
Simple pipe cutter

Simple pipe cutter

We paste this whole thing into the profile.
Simple pipe cutter

We weld on both sides.
Simple pipe cutter

Simple pipe cutter

To keep the chain at a distance from the cutting roller, we weld two steel bosses on the sides.
Simple pipe cutter

We weld them together.
Simple pipe cutter

We take a motorcycle chain and install it so that it goes around the roller
Simple pipe cutter

Simple pipe cutter

We weld one edge of the chain to the profile.
Simple pipe cutter

We take a pin and weld the second end of the chain to it.
Simple pipe cutter

Simple pipe cutter

Next, take a piece of pipe along the inner diameter of the stud.
Simple pipe cutter

And weld it to the end of the profile. Like this:
Simple pipe cutter

The pipe cutter is ready!
Simple pipe cutter

How to cut a pipe?

But first you need to fix the pipe. To do this, I will clamp it in a vice.
Simple pipe cutter

We put on a pipe cutter. We insert the pin into the hole and tighten the chain with a nut.
Simple pipe cutter

Simple pipe cutter

We tighten with a key creating more force.
Simple pipe cutter

Next, use a pipe cutter to make a circle around the pipe that we are cutting off.
Simple pipe cutter

Again we tighten the chain with the nut.
Simple pipe cutter

Let's make another turn.
Simple pipe cutter

This cycle is repeated until the pipe is cut. The entire cutting procedure will not take much time.
Simple pipe cutter

Simple pipe cutter

The edges turned out very smooth. You definitely can’t do this with a hacksaw.
Simple pipe cutter

This simple, almost pocket-sized pipe cutter can be very useful to you in life.
Simple pipe cutter

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Comments (2)
  1. DimN
    #1 DimN Guests 29 May 2018 08:40
    Won't the chain rollers get cut over time? Or the cutting roller will become dull...
  2. Guest Igor
    #2 Guest Igor Guests September 19, 2018 07:49
    Pipe cutter in 20 minutes. Very original. Everyone has a motorcycle chain, a roller for cutting pipes, a metal profile and welding lying around at home.
    It will be much cheaper to cut it with a jigsaw or the old fashioned way with a hacksaw.