How to drill a well yourself

Most summer cottages use water from ordinary wells. It has many disadvantages. It is much better to have an artesian well, but ordering its drilling from special companies is expensive. There is an accessible method to do the work yourself.
How to drill a well yourself

What you need

You need to have an ice drill for drilling holes for winter fishing, a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm and a length of approximately 1.5 m, a wiring tee and a flexible hose for collecting water. A sand filter of at least one meter in length is placed on the hose.
How to drill a well yourself

The well itself is made with metal prefabricated pipes with a diameter of 3/4 inch. On the first one, it is necessary to weld a star-shaped tip to soften the hard soil. A handle with a tee for connecting water is screwed to the top. The number of pipes depends on the depth of groundwater. Threaded connections are made with gas wrenches.
How to drill a well yourself

Drilling technology

Drill a hole about 1 m deep with an ice drill and clear it of any remaining soil.
How to drill a well yourself

Insert the plastic pipe through the wooden spacer as far as possible. The length should be such that it is convenient to work with the drill.
How to drill a well yourself

Insert a tee into the socket.Water will be removed from the well through the side exit.
How to drill a well yourself

Fill the gap between the pipe and the hole with soil and tamp it down thoroughly. The earth is needed for sealing, and the plastic pipe serves as a casing.
How to drill a well yourself

Weld a sharp tip onto the end of the metal pipe and remove welding stains with a grinder.
How to drill a well yourself

Insert it into the casing and screw on a second one to increase the length. Place a bucket under the drain to collect water. Otherwise, it spills around the workplace, which greatly complicates the drilling process.
How to drill a well yourself

Screw the handle with the tee and connect the water hose.
How to drill a well yourself

Open the water supply valve and start drilling. At the same time, constantly press and turn the handle left/right, collect the escaping water in a bucket and pour it out. It's better to work with an assistant.
How to drill a well yourself

As the well deepens, tighten the pipes. Constantly control the water; earth should come out with it first, and then clay.
How to drill a well yourself

Extend the drilling pipe by screwing on new sections.
How to drill a well yourself

How to drill a well yourself

Continue drilling until sand begins to come out with the water, making it easier for the drill to go down. The appearance of sand means that the aquifer has been reached.
How to drill a well yourself

How to drill a well yourself

Prepare a plastic hose and screw the previously made filter onto it.
How to drill a well yourself

Continue flushing the well until clean water comes out. Take out the drill and disassemble all the metal pipes. Insert a plastic hose with a filter.
How to drill a well yourself

How to drill a well yourself

Lower it all the way and rinse the well with water again.
How to drill a well yourself

The work has been completed. You can connect the pump and use clean artesian water.
How to drill a well yourself

How to drill a well yourself

How to drill a well yourself


Such wells can be made anywhere, the only obstacle is rocky soil. Before starting work, you should ask knowledgeable people about this.

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Comments (4)
  1. Basil
    #1 Basil Guests 2 October 2019 14:55
    This is not artesian water, but spring water. Here in Belarus, such wells are made in dachas and villages.
  2. Alex
    #2 Alex Guests 2 October 2019 20:58
    In order to make a well, you need to install a water supply. Question: why a well then???
    1. Guest Sergey
      #3 Guest Sergey Guests 19 January 2023 23:55
      Eh, you are not a summer resident. Most have only summer water supply. I would like to have water in winter too.
  3. Nail
    #4 Nail Guests 19 June 2022 05:37
    We have a well. I also drilled a 10 meter well with water. More is possible. And you don't need almost any physical effort. I drilled using a Malysh type pump. The main thing is quickly.