Picnic in nature - delicious pasta over a fire!

When going outdoors, you need to take care of tasty and healthy food! You can, of course, buy ready-made products, for example, canned ones, and not burden yourself with cooking, but what to do if you want a hot and satisfying lunch? It can be prepared quite easily with minimal skills and a standard set of tools and ingredients. Today we will be preparing a hearty and very tasty pasta dish, which will only take 10 minutes or a little more to prepare!
Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Will need

What you need to cook outdoors:
  • Soldier's camp bowler;
  • Knife;
  • Cutting board;
  • Grate for installation over a fire;
  • Camping hatchet or spatula;
  • Input products: pasta, vegetable oil, sausage, sweet pepper, black pepper, cheese, salt.

Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Cooking pasta on the fire

Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Before you start cooking, you need to dig a hole for a fire, light it and install a grate over it on which the food will be cooked.
Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Above the fire we place a pot with water drawn from a stream and a lid of the pot, which will serve as a frying pan!
Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Pour 50 grams of vegetable oil into a frying pan and add sausage and sweet peppers, cut into strips.
Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

After frying the sausage with sweet pepper, add cream, black pepper and salt to taste to the gravy.
Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

While the gravy was being prepared, water boiled in the pot, into which you need to pour the pasta, not forgetting to salt the water.
Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

After the pasta is cooked, pour the water out of the pot, and so that it doesn’t go to waste, put out the fire with it!
Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Now you need to pour the sauce into the pot with pasta, and also add finely chopped hard cheese there and mix everything!
Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Amazing pasta is ready to eat!
Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

This is how quickly you can cook an excellent lunch in the field over a fire. However, it is necessary to understand that cooking outdoors requires certain skills, as well as compliance with safety rules, so as not to harm either yourself or nature!
Picnic in nature delicious pasta on the fire

Rules you need to know and follow:

  • Cooking and eating food outdoors is associated with the risk of infection by parasites, so you should avoid contaminating your hands and utensils with soil, and use only boiled water, and take it only from a flowing body of water;
  • Caution when lighting a fire and cooking is necessary not only to protect against burns, but also to avoid starting a fire;
  • After finishing the picnic, you need to collect all the garbage and fill up the fire pit.

If these conditions are met, you can have a wonderful rest in nature, especially after a hearty lunch cooked over a fire!

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Comments (1)
  1. Uldemir
    #1 Uldemir Guests 11 October 2019 17:41
    About parasites, that's interesting.