Master class on making a reusable mask

Master class on making a reusable mask

I suggest sewing a simple reusable mask.
We will need: thick cotton fabric (calico, poplin, satin, etc.) size 30*19 cm. And an elastic band 40 cm long.

How to sew a reusable mask

1. Cut an even rectangle measuring 19 by 30 cm. The elastic must be cut into two pieces 20 cm long. (Depending on the desired size, the length of the elastic can be from 18 to 21 cm).
Master class on making a reusable mask

Master class on making a reusable mask

2. At the short edges of the rectangle, iron seam allowances of 0.7 - 1 cm, and fold the workpiece in half, with allowances inward.
Master class on making a reusable mask

3. Alternately form two folds approximately 1 cm deep. Iron on both sides and leave until completely cool. If the folds are ironed well, it will be easier to work with them in the future.
Master class on making a reusable mask

Master class on making a reusable mask

4. We open our workpiece and apply elastic bands to the front side: one end of the elastic band to the middle of the workpiece, the other to the edge.
Master class on making a reusable mask

Master class on making a reusable mask

5. Close the workpiece with the front side inward and sew a line, do not straighten the folds. At the beginning and at the end of the line (we have elastic bands there), we make sure to make fastenings.
Master class on making a reusable mask

6. On the second side we also apply elastic bands and sew a stitch.
Master class on making a reusable mask

Master class on making a reusable mask

7. Turn our workpiece right side out and check whether the elastic holds well.
Master class on making a reusable mask

Master class on making a reusable mask

8.We sew a line along the bottom edge, matching the allowances. Let's iron it again.
Master class on making a reusable mask

9. Our mask is ready.
Master class on making a reusable mask

Wear your mask with pleasure and stay healthy.
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Comments (3)
  1. Vita
    #1 Vita Guests 18 April 2020 15:24
    “Reusable” also presupposes their disinfection, the question is how and with what, this is the main task that must be solved at the same time.... First, you need to think about how to carefully remove and safely put it down for this purpose. I think sandwich bags will help with this, they can be used as a glove, inside of which we place our mask, for further disinfection...steam, microwave...ultraviolet
    1. Guest Yuri
      #2 Guest Yuri Guests 19 April 2020 15:12
      Any such mask is removed according to the same instructions as a disposable surgical one: take two elastic bands behind the ears, pull them apart, move them apart, and then carefully lower the mask down. Place the lowered mask, still holding it by the elastic bands, into a container for disposal (sterilization). Such a container could be, for example, a pot of water or bleach solution standing at the entrance to the apartment.And then boil this pan.
  2. Angel-A
    #3 Angel-A Guests May 2, 2020 00:12
    Poplin has a very dense weave of threads, making it difficult to breathe through.