Zucchini appetizer in soy sauce - very quick and tasty

Zucchini appetizer in soy sauce

Many people undeservedly deprive the usual zucchini of attention, but this is completely in vain! We will not dwell on its beneficial properties; we will only note that its cost is not at all high, especially in the summer. So why not make a simple vegetable snack? Soy sauce is suitable as a dressing; it gives a slight hint of sourness and a salty taste.


  • - 0.5 kg. zucchini,
  • - 2 people Sahara,
  • - 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce,
  • - 2 tsp. starch,
  • - 2 tbsp. l. rast. oils,
  • - 1 tsp. sesame,
  • - 3 cloves of garlic.


1. Of course, young zucchini will be better, but if you don’t have young zucchini, then we’ll take any. Wash the vegetable and cut off the edges. No need to clean it!
2. Divide the root crop into cubes 1.5-2 cm wide and up to 10 cm long. It is better to cut off the core.
Zucchini appetizer in soy sauce

3. Prepare the dressing: add sugar, starch and grated garlic to the soy sauce. If possible, you can add sesame seeds; they go well with this dish. You can please spicy lovers and add pepper.
Zucchini appetizer in soy sauce

4. Heat a large frying pan with oil and fry the vegetable cubes for 5 minutes.
Zucchini appetizer in soy sauce

Zucchini appetizer in soy sauce

Add the dressing to the zucchini and stir quickly for 20 seconds.Remove from the stove and cool.
Zucchini appetizer in soy sauce

Bon appetit!
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