How to easily make delicious homemade kvass
Who doesn’t like to quench their thirst with delicious kvass in the summer heat? But it is not always at hand when you want it. Therefore, the best solution would be to make kvass at home yourself. And today’s recipe will tell you how it’s done. The recipe is simple. And the kvass turns out to be very tasty and flavorful.
If you can’t wait to try your own kvass, then it’s time to start cooking.
You only need 4 ingredients:
- - Borodino bread;
- - raisin;
- - sugar;
- - yeast.
Step-by-step recipe for making homemade kvass
The bread must be cut into cubes.
And then dry it in the oven or air fryer to get regular crispy crackers.
The three-liter jar must be washed well. It is better to do this with regular soda rather than chemical detergents.
Pour toasted crackers into a clean 3-liter jar to about 1/3 of the jar's height (this is 10 centimeters on average).
Then add 4 tablespoons of sugar to the jar.
The next step is raisins. It requires 1 tablespoon.
Those who like kvass to have a stronger taste add a little more raisins.
The most important rule: raisins cannot be washed. Otherwise, kvass will not work.Do not be afraid of unsanitary conditions, because during the fermentation process all microbes will die.
So, when raisins have been added to the jar with breadcrumbs and sugar, you need to pour boiling water up to the very “shoulders” of the jar.
And leave to cool.
Pour 1/2 teaspoon of yeast into a separate small container (any cup or even a regular glass will do).
It is better to use fast-acting dry yeast. It is also important to pay attention to the production time of the yeast. Fresh yeast makes the best starter.
Then add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar to the yeast.
And then pour the mixture of sugar and yeast with warm water.
Mix everything and give the yeast time to activate.
After some time, the yeast will rise like a cap.
This means the reaction went well. When the water in the jar has cooled down sufficiently, you need to pour the “playing” yeast into a jar with bread, sugar and raisins.
Mix everything thoroughly and then cover with a cloth, leaving the jar for a day at room temperature. It’s better to put it in a warm place.
After a day, the kvass must be strained. All is ready. You can enjoy delicious homemade kvass. The main thing is to store it in the refrigerator after straining.
Bon appetit!
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