How to remove a mole cricket forever and without cost

The mole cricket is one of the harmful insects from which root plants suffer greatly: carrots, potatoes, beets, etc. But bushes and even trees can also suffer from this pest, since the mole cricket injures their roots. It greatly reduces the yield of cucumbers and tomatoes for the same reason.

How to breed a mole cricket in a garden or summer cottage using shells

You can remove mole crickets from the garden in a very simple way using chicken egg shells.

To do this, the shells must be collected in a separate container, and then with your hands, but it is better to crush them into a fine substance with the handle of a shovel or rake.

Then we scatter the crushed shells in those places in the garden or area where the mole cricket has appeared. For some reason, this pest of fields and vegetable gardens is very fond of eggshells and eats them with appetite.

But since the mole cricket cannot chew the shell, it swallows it whole and small particles enter the esophagus, where they also do not dissolve. As a result, the internal organs of this pest receive injuries, from which the mole cricket begins to die en masse.

There will be no need to hold any special events.Just the next time you dig up the area where the mole cricket was found, you need to add finely crushed chicken shells.

To do this, after digging the first row, sprinkle the dug strip of earth with eggshells. Then we go through the second row and repeat the same operation, and so on until the end of the entire area in which the mole cricket has started. After some time, this pest disappears.

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