Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 303

Master classes:

Decoupage passport cover

Decoupage is one of the interesting modern handicraft techniques, which is widely used for the manufacture and decoration of handmade products. It is very diverse and interesting because the range of creative products is very rich and the subject

Flower clamp

Lately, clamps have become so popular that not having one is not only funny, but even embarrassing. So let's fix this situation. Today we will talk about how to knit a beautiful flower collar with your own hands. For this we need


The work process begins with the manufacture of a birch trunk. On a thread with a needle, collect 35 black beads and close them in a ring. String one bead and pull the thread through the last bead of the 1st row and the first of the 2nd, string the next bead and

Tilda the goat Nastasya

On the eve of the year of the goat, it is a good idea to have its symbol in your home so that the year passes successfully and happily. And at the same time please yourself and your loved ones with such a wonderful creation.I will describe in detail the process of making such a goat Nastasya, and you can easily make it

Baby bear in a white dress

Prepare for work: 1. Hook No. 2 2. Threads of two colors (preferably 100% cotton) 3. Holofiber or padding polyester (for filling) 4. Beads (for eyes) 5. Sewing threads (black)

Children's elastic band “Sun”

Every girl is a real princess to her family and friends, so she should have matching jewelry. For example, a charming elastic band “sun” will be a great addition to braids.

Hairpin “Blooming poppies”

The poppy flower has its own peculiarity and difference from the others, but this is what attracts us. Therefore, the imitation of a blossoming poppy is often used in various decorations and design paintings. Needlewomen use the image of this flower to create

Wire rusk bowl

To make a cracker from wire you will need: • soft wire with a core diameter of no more than 1.0 mm. white and brown; • pliers; • wire cutters.

Homemade cottage cheese

When a household has a cow, then the problem of purchasing dairy products is solved for a long time. From milk in an ordinary kitchen you can produce everything for which it is the basis. This includes cottage cheese, butter, and kefir with fermented baked milk. The best epithets

Remedy for cracked heels

I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world who periodically faces such a problem as the formation of rough, dry growths and cracks on the heels, as well as the feeling of unpleasant itching between the toes.And this, I must admit, brings a lot

Traveling recipes: hot smoked fish

There is a huge advantage in camp cooking: liberation, complete freedom in movements and decisions. You can smoke, scatter and spray as much as you like without any damage to the interior. Moreover, some culinary techniques are only feasible with

Crochet sweater for little fashionistas

Gone are the days when a dog in a sweater caused confusion among passers-by on the street. Clothing for dogs is sold in every, even the smallest pet store, and even more so on the Internet you can find everything your heart desires. Therefore, choose a quality and

Knitted children's hat "Cat"

Original and beautiful children's hats always catch the eye. All passersby admire them. And you can knit such a beautiful hat yourself, but this requires a little time and patience. For work we will need: Yarn for knitting delicate

Educational games and activities for a 2-3 year old child

At the age of 2 to 3 years, the child begins to actively explore the world around him. What happens around him is very important to him. The baby will copy and repeat any actions or words of the parents, playing with toys, and often using objects

Bamboo sconce

When decorating your interior, sometimes the problem arises of choosing accessories. A solution to this could be making it yourself. We cut the bamboo. A circular saw is perfect for cutting workpieces, but in principle you can get by with

Decorative autumn wreath

With the arrival of autumn, yellow-red carpets made from fallen leaves and flowers are laid out in city parks, squares and forests. Leaves collected in the park are an excellent material for creating various compositions, fakes and paintings that can

Vintage envelope with wax seal

In the age of email, few people use paper letters to communicate. You can pleasantly surprise your loved one in the army, friends and relatives who are in other cities and even countries by sending a letter in a vintage envelope made by

Soft trestle bed for a summer residence

To create a soft country trestle bed you will need: • 1.5 liter plastic bottles – 72 pieces; • scotch; • double sided tape; • scissors; • cosmofen glue; • cardboard; • a reel of any strong rope; • foam rubber 5cm thick; • artificial

Cute little violet made of beads

Craftswomen girls, needlewomen, today I want to share with you a master class on making a violet flower from beads. Products made from beads are distinguished by their unique beauty, grace, originality and always attract attention, and those around

Soap "Bullfinches"

Gifts in the “handmade” category are gaining popularity in Russia from year to year. And this is wonderful, the manufacturer puts a piece of his creative soul and the warmth of his hands into such souvenirs. Today I will talk about how to make Bullfinch soap.

Cold porcelain ring with orchid

It’s always a pleasure to create beauty with your own hands, surprising and delighting your loved ones with original gifts.Modeling from cold porcelain is a pleasant experience, since the material is very plastic and easy to work with. Cold porcelain can be used purchased

Aromatic sachets - bags with herbs

Aromatic sachets are very popular among modern housewives. These wonderful bags exude a wonderful smell. They are traditionally placed in closets next to clothes, in chests of drawers with linens, on a bedside table or at the head of the room.

Basket with flowers made of nylon

Flowers made from nylon are a wonderful gift for any occasion. Using this technique, you can make an original hair clip, boutonniere, or a small bouquet as a souvenir. In order to build such a mini-bouquet, you will need...

A handbag for all occasions

Today I want to share with you how to sew a handbag for all occasions. You can have a lot of such handbags, they are easy to sew, functional and can be sewn to each of your summer or autumn outfits. I give you a drawing of the bag with dimensions. This