New Year's decor: "Winter's Tale".

How do you decorate your home for the New Year? Of course, a decorated Christmas tree and garlands on doorposts are beyond competition. But you can try to create a fairy tale even in the most inconspicuous corner of your home. At the same time, you do not need exotic materials or a lot of time to work.

we need

So, we need:
• Sheets of A4 paper, from 6 to 10;
• Scotch;
• Pencil;
• Scissors;
• Low candles (tea candles in metal candlesticks are suitable).
On one side of the sheets, draw the outlines of various “winter” objects: Christmas trees of different sizes, houses with roofs covered with snow, bunnies, snowdrifts, etc. Nothing complicated - you can just draw a lot of Christmas trees and houses.

draw the outlines

And so all 6 sheets. The shapes may be repeated or may be different on each sheet. It all depends on your imagination 
Cut out our outlines.

Cut out our outlines

Then you need to strengthen the sheets so that they stand on the surface.

strengthen the sheets

Place the composition on the chest of drawers (our case), on the shelf, on the table. It looks especially beautiful on the windowsill.Imagine: New Year's Eve, it's snowing outside, and a small miracle is shining on your window... but more on that later. Go ahead.
In daylight it looks like this:

we arrange the scenery

Then we place our candles in the resulting passage between the front and back of the scenery.

use of candles

And we wait until it gets dark...
When evening finally comes, you can light candles and admire how the winter town or forest glows (what did you draw?), how the fairy-tale shadows dance on the wall. Admiring your own work, you feel unity with the holiday and begin to believe that everything is possible.

New Year's decor

Winter's Tale

Helpful tip: Using candles means that the illumination of the paper decorations will not last long. Instead of candles, you can use small light bulbs for longer lasting use.
With enough care, you also won't have to worry about the possibility of a fire. Just don't place the candles close to the paper or leave them overnight.

May your home be illuminated with joy and love this New Year!
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