New Year's wreath

The idea of ​​decorating the doors of our homes with New Year's wreaths came to us not so long ago. They are made from dry twigs, from cones and nuts, from spruce, pine and even laurel branches.
Well, today we will make a New Year's wreath from materials that can be easily found in every home.
To create a wreath, we will need the following materials: magazine sheets, strong threads, superglue, scissors, rain, and, of course, New Year's decor: cones, ribbons, beads, bells, acorns, decorative mesh.

1. Let's start creating the base itself. We will make it from magazine sheets. This is the most labor-intensive stage of the work. We take several sheets and begin to twist them in a spiral. When the spiral becomes tight, add a few more sheets to its end and twist them again. In this way we wind the sheets until we get a paper tube of the required length. Then we connect the ends of the tube, forming a circle. To give the base a more round, regular shape, we wind a few more sheets on top of the base.

New Year's wreath

2. We wrap our paper base with thick threads to give it greater strength and roundness of the lines.

3. Now we decorate the base of the wreath with rain of two colors (or having different shades.) We fix the ends of the rain with glue.

4. Don’t forget to make a loop on which our New Year’s wreath will subsequently be attached.

5. Now all that remains is to decorate our wreath using glue and New Year’s tinsel. For this purpose, you can use any materials: gilded nuts or cones, various beads, bows, acorns, decorative mesh, bells, or ready-made purchased compositions.

Our wreath is completely ready. All that remains is to hang it on the front door, and it will delight us throughout the New Year holidays.
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