Making the “Shine My Star” pendant
Heart pendant made of newspaper tubes with a foamiran flower.

To work on the product you will need:
- newspaper.
- PVA glue.
- blue acrylic paint.
- polymer glue "Titan".
- red and green foamiran.
- scissors.
- knitting needle.
- stamens and wide half-bead.
- 3 green and golden leaves.
- a strip of floral mesh.
- a piece of crepe paper.
- thin synthetic ribbon for fresh flowers of golden color.
- foil.
- brush.
Let's start by making a paper heart. We cut strips 2.5 cm wide from the newspaper. Take a knitting needle and P V A glue and begin to wind the strips onto an iron base, securing them with glue. Then we simply pull out the knitting needle. We glue one tube onto the wire and do not remove it. From this tube we bend the base shape of a heart 10 cm high and 13 cm wide. And then we attach the remaining tubes in a chaotic manner around the base. We start twisting from the lower acute angle at the heart.

Then, with a brush, we paint the finished heart-base of the composition with blue acrylic paint and give it time to dry completely.

In the meantime, we draw fantasy flower templates. Based on the circle, draw a flower with 6 petals. And such circles will have a diameter of 7.5 and 6.5 cm, and small ones will be 5 cm.

Using the templates, we cut out two large blanks and 2 smaller ones from red foamiran.

On two large petals we draw veins with the tip of scissors starting from the middle of the workpiece.

Then we change the material structure of all 4 blanks. Alternately, fold the petals in half 3 times and roll the folded corners of the blanks with your fingers. Then we open the petals back, we get a soft fabric, unlike paper.

In two large petals, we also do additional scrolling in the middle of the workpiece. The petals are already voluminous.

Now you need to collect the middle of the future flower. We take ready-made stamens and half beads.

To the wrong side of this bead we glue stamens, 1.5 cm long, in a circle.

The parts are ready and let's start assembling the fantasy flower. The first flower circle will be a 7.5 cm blank. We glue the second large part to its middle, arranging the petals in a checkerboard pattern, and attach a half-bead with stamens to the center of this blank. The flower is ready.

It remains to fasten two green leaves on the wrong side.

We have two small blanks left and from them we will make 2 buds. We cut two 6 cm wires and form droplets 1 cm high from the foil. We fix the foil on the wire and take one red blank.

We pierce the part and place the foil in the center of the workpiece. We lift the petals one by one and glue them to the base.

We arrange it in a circle. Each petal goes to the middle of the previous one. The bud turns out to be closed, and we will have two of them.

But they lack sepals. Therefore, from pieces of green foamiran we cut 6 long triangles, 4 cm high.

Green blanks should also be completely scrolled with your fingers. We put 3 together and process.

Then we glue the resulting leaves to the bottom of the buds.

Now let's start assembling the composition on the newspaper heart. We tie a loop for hanging from a thin synthetic ribbon.

Now we collect all the details for decoration. We have a flower and two buds, three gold leaves and 1 green, a 2 cm wide strip of mesh, a small artificial branch and a golden synthetic ribbon.

We will attach all the decorations to one half of the heart. First we fasten a strip of mesh in the shape of a figure eight and a thin ribbon folded in half.

Then we glue the twig to the middle of the decoration with a downward slope.

Now we glue two buds to the bottom of the flower, bending the wire into small loops.

Now we attach this flower with buds to the middle of the composition, but direct the buds upward to the loop. Then we glue the remaining green leaf to the bottom of these buds.

We place the remaining golden leaves under the flower, pointing them in different directions.

The center of the composition should be the main flower, and all other details should be close around it.

Perhaps the location may be slightly different, it all depends on your taste.

Good luck to all!

To work on the product you will need:
- newspaper.
- PVA glue.
- blue acrylic paint.
- polymer glue "Titan".
- red and green foamiran.
- scissors.
- knitting needle.
- stamens and wide half-bead.
- 3 green and golden leaves.
- a strip of floral mesh.
- a piece of crepe paper.
- thin synthetic ribbon for fresh flowers of golden color.
- foil.
- brush.
Let's start by making a paper heart. We cut strips 2.5 cm wide from the newspaper. Take a knitting needle and P V A glue and begin to wind the strips onto an iron base, securing them with glue. Then we simply pull out the knitting needle. We glue one tube onto the wire and do not remove it. From this tube we bend the base shape of a heart 10 cm high and 13 cm wide. And then we attach the remaining tubes in a chaotic manner around the base. We start twisting from the lower acute angle at the heart.

Then, with a brush, we paint the finished heart-base of the composition with blue acrylic paint and give it time to dry completely.

In the meantime, we draw fantasy flower templates. Based on the circle, draw a flower with 6 petals. And such circles will have a diameter of 7.5 and 6.5 cm, and small ones will be 5 cm.

Using the templates, we cut out two large blanks and 2 smaller ones from red foamiran.

On two large petals we draw veins with the tip of scissors starting from the middle of the workpiece.

Then we change the material structure of all 4 blanks. Alternately, fold the petals in half 3 times and roll the folded corners of the blanks with your fingers. Then we open the petals back, we get a soft fabric, unlike paper.

In two large petals, we also do additional scrolling in the middle of the workpiece. The petals are already voluminous.

Now you need to collect the middle of the future flower. We take ready-made stamens and half beads.

To the wrong side of this bead we glue stamens, 1.5 cm long, in a circle.

The parts are ready and let's start assembling the fantasy flower. The first flower circle will be a 7.5 cm blank. We glue the second large part to its middle, arranging the petals in a checkerboard pattern, and attach a half-bead with stamens to the center of this blank. The flower is ready.

It remains to fasten two green leaves on the wrong side.

We have two small blanks left and from them we will make 2 buds. We cut two 6 cm wires and form droplets 1 cm high from the foil. We fix the foil on the wire and take one red blank.

We pierce the part and place the foil in the center of the workpiece. We lift the petals one by one and glue them to the base.

We arrange it in a circle. Each petal goes to the middle of the previous one. The bud turns out to be closed, and we will have two of them.

But they lack sepals. Therefore, from pieces of green foamiran we cut 6 long triangles, 4 cm high.

Green blanks should also be completely scrolled with your fingers. We put 3 together and process.

Then we glue the resulting leaves to the bottom of the buds.

Now let's start assembling the composition on the newspaper heart. We tie a loop for hanging from a thin synthetic ribbon.

Now we collect all the details for decoration. We have a flower and two buds, three gold leaves and 1 green, a 2 cm wide strip of mesh, a small artificial branch and a golden synthetic ribbon.

We will attach all the decorations to one half of the heart. First we fasten a strip of mesh in the shape of a figure eight and a thin ribbon folded in half.

Then we glue the twig to the middle of the decoration with a downward slope.

Now we glue two buds to the bottom of the flower, bending the wire into small loops.

Now we attach this flower with buds to the middle of the composition, but direct the buds upward to the loop. Then we glue the remaining green leaf to the bottom of these buds.

We place the remaining golden leaves under the flower, pointing them in different directions.

The center of the composition should be the main flower, and all other details should be close around it.

Perhaps the location may be slightly different, it all depends on your taste.

Good luck to all!
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