Fruit caviar

Fruit caviar

If you suddenly decide to surprise your family and friends, especially children, then this truly unique recipe is for you. I will tell you how to make sweet, absolutely natural caviar from fruits. It will be very similar to the real thing, and therefore it can even be used for practical jokes.


To prepare orange caviar you will need:
  • Juice of one orange.
  • Sugar - 30 gr.
  • Water - 50 ml.
  • Agar-agar - 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Refined sunflower oil - 0.5 l.

I think all the ingredients are available. And if you have never used agar-agar, then you immediately have several questions: what is it, where can you get it, and is it dangerous?
Agar-agar - This is an absolutely natural food thickener. It is often used not only in the food industry but also in other areas, such as medicine, cosmetology, etc. It is not only safe, but even useful, but do not forget about intolerance to the components. Agar-agar is made from seaweed, so it is not some kind of chemical, but a completely natural product.
Where to buy agar-agar? Most supermarkets have it and you need to look for it in the same place where regular gelatin and other confectionery and culinary additives are sold.
Fruit caviar

Step-by-step recipe for making fruit caviar

Place the pan on the stove.Squeeze the juice of one orange. Pour into a saucepan, first straining to remove seeds and pulp.
Fruit caviar

Add drinking water. I measure the quantity using half an orange.
Fruit caviar

Add sugar.
Fruit caviar

Pour in agar-agar.
Fruit caviar

Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Boil and stir for another 1-2 minutes until all ingredients are completely dissolved.
Fruit caviar

Let it cool a little. Then we draw the resulting syrup into a syringe.
Fruit caviar

Take a half-liter or other jar. Pour refined sunflower oil into it. The oil must be cold. Therefore, pre-cool it in a bottle or jar.
Squeeze the syrup dropwise into the oil from the syringe.
Fruit caviar

The caviar settles beautifully to the bottom of the jar.
Fruit caviar

Then strain the caviar through a colander, removing the oil.
Fruit caviar

Place the resulting caviar in a bowl of cold water. Excess oil will float on top of the water.
Fruit caviar

Strain through a colander again.
Fruit caviar

Looks amazing.
Fruit caviar

It was caviar made from orange.
Fruit caviar

This fruit caviar can be made from other fruits. For example from lemon:
Fruit caviar

From raspberries:
Fruit caviar

From kiwi:
Fruit caviar

Very beautiful! And most importantly, everything is natural, which means it’s safe!
You can serve with yogurt, kefir or sour cream.

Watch the video

If you suddenly don’t understand something in the recipe, then watch the video clip, which clearly shows the process of preparing fruit caviar.
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Comments (1)
  1. Nikol I
    #1 Nikol I Guests January 15, 2019 11:47
    Very beautiful and affordable. I will definitely try it. One question - how long does it last?