Homemade kvass “like from a barrel”

One of the pleasant memories of every person who lived in Soviet times is associated with delicious kvass from yellow barrels in the summer heat. Nowadays you can also see these famous “yellow barrels” selling kvass. But, unfortunately, the taste of such a drink is completely different, “not like in childhood,” many adults say. And some people are generally disdainful of buying kvass now from a common barrel, it is unclear how the inside has been washed. And even more so, the composition of such kvass is unknown. But you want to drink a glass of strong, cold kvass “like from a barrel.” Therefore, the best decision would be to prepare such kvass at home. And today's recipe will tell you how to do this.


To prepare kvass you will need:
  • - chicory;
  • - sugar;
  • - lemon acid;
  • - yeast.

Every housewife has such a simple set of products, so you can start cooking immediately.

Preparing kvass

It is necessary to measure the exact amount of each ingredient: 6 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of chicory, and 1/3 teaspoon each of yeast and citric acid.

Pour all ingredients into one container.

And then mix everything thoroughly.

It is important that the container for bulk ingredients and the stirring spoon are dry.

Next, you need to fill a 1.5-liter bottle with warm (40 degrees) water up to your shoulders. You can’t draw water all the way to the top, because you need to leave room for the kvass to “play.”

Pour all dry ingredients into a bottle of water. You can use a regular funnel for this.

Close the bottle with a lid and then shake well to thoroughly mix all the ingredients. And put it in a warm place (in this case, near the radiator).

When the water in the bottle reaches room temperature (this is about 3-5 hours), you can put it in the refrigerator.

In the cold, kvass will continue to “play,” so it’s better to leave it there all night.

Everything will be ready by morning.

You can treat yourself to delicious kvass “like from a barrel.”

Bon appetit!

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Comments (2)
  1. Yuri_
    #1 Yuri_ Visitors April 28, 2021 12:12
    Again the same thing: water + sugar (100 g/l) + yeast + heat.
    I know that if you use burnt sugar instead of chicory as a coloring in this recipe, the result will be delicious cognac (“like from an oak barrel”).
    What do you need to use to make beer?
  2. Alexander Yurievich Sirenko
    #2 Alexander Yurievich Sirenko Guests 23 May 2021 17:27
    If at that time a Soviet person had the opportunity to freely buy Coke, he would not even come within a shot of a cannon shot of these dirty barrels with muddy swill inside.