Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 205
Master classes:

Increasing Wi-Fi speed - five ways
Wireless Internet is wildly popular today. And this is no coincidence, because it practically does not require cables and connections, and a computer with the ability to accept a network via the Wi-Fi protocol can be located throughout the apartment. Well, of course

How to start a stepper motor without electronics
I have a lot of different office equipment that is out of order. I don’t dare throw it away, but maybe it will come in handy. It is possible to make something useful out of its parts. For example: a stepper motor, which is so common, is usually used

How to change a pressure tap
In plumbing, like any other repair work, there are many nuances. Technically, this work is clear and predictable, but you can’t foresee everything. Incidents can happen at the most inopportune moment and you need to be prepared for them.

Magnetic spice set
This craft will especially appeal to those who like to cook frequently and in a variety of ways.It will maximize convenience and save time spent searching for the right container of seasonings. Thanks to this simple modification, you will have all the spices at your fingertips.

Portable phone speakers
When you want to enhance the sound of your device, be it a phone or tablet. Turn the volume all the way up and the app drains the battery. But sometimes the volume is not enough. At home, if there is an outlet, speakers are used. Helps with food problems outside the home

DVB-T2 digital television antenna
Television today is in every home. With the development of technology, the quality of television signals and methods of their transmission change. And if just yesterday antediluvian analogue broadcasting was used, today exclusively digital broadcasting is persistently discussed. On

How to cook an omelet in a mug
This is just an amazingly quick and amazingly delicious breakfast. It will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare. It turns out that eating right isn't that hard. And instead of dry food, like a sandwich, you can almost instantly prepare this delicious

Charger for lithium-ion batteries
I made myself a charger for four lithium-ion batteries. Someone will now think: well, he did it and did it, there are plenty of them on the Internet. And I want to say right away that my design is capable of charging either one battery or four at once. All

The difference between a thermistor and a thermocouple
A thermocouple is a sensor consisting of two conductive conductors with different properties, soldered together.The measurement occurs due to the formation of a thermal electromotive force (voltage) generated between the conductors. Depending

Broom made from plastic bottles
You can make a very simple and durable broom for your home with your own hands in a very short time. I think everyone has plenty of such material as a plastic bottle. This broom sweeps simply excellent. The best way to clear your yard of debris is to

Catalytic combustion is a very simple and spectacular experiment
Today I will show you how to make a home nuclear reactor. I hope your sense of humor is okay, then let's get started. To build a mini reactor you will need a glass jar.

How to make a directional Wi-Fi antenna
Wireless Internet networks are everywhere today. And most of our computers can perceive them. However, sometimes the signal strength is not enough to simply connect, not to mention fully surf the online space. For help

How to switch metal-plastic windows to winter (summer) mode
Windows in our houses and apartments provide passive air exchange and are sources of natural light and ultraviolet radiation. They are designed to provide protection from street noise, dust and precipitation. Thanks to them we can

Very simple cat bed
For cats, one of the most important things in life is sleep. They prefer to spend most of their time sleeping or lying quietly in the most unexpected corners.

Autonomous heating based on electric heating element
Modern comfortable living is somehow connected with heating. This is one of the most important communications, which is considered at the stage of creating a development project. Central heat and power systems most often run on gas. But what

Moisture-proof coating - liquid glass
I will show you how to make a simple and cheap water-repellent or moisture-proof coating - liquid glass. It has long been used by car enthusiasts, covering headlights, windows and the entire body of their car with it. This coating is relevant especially in spring and autumn.

Powerful Wi-Fi gun antenna
This is an easy to manufacture and very powerful Wi-Fi antenna like a cannon. With its help you can receive and transmit a Wi-Fi signal not only over hundreds of meters, but over several kilometers! The antenna gun resembles the look of a space blaster and just like this

A posistor and a thermistor, what is the difference?
A posistor is an electronic component that has a positive resistance coefficient and performs dual functions: a heater and a temperature sensor. When high voltage or current is applied, the electronic component becomes hot. The higher it gets

Making mayonnaise is very easy
Like any industrial product, a sauce called mayonnaise originated at home. Let it initially quickly separate into its constituent products, and therefore not be stored for long. Today, if you have an immersion blender with turbo mode and twenty

LED flashlight with 500 LEDs
Today no one will be surprised by an LED flashlight. You can buy them on almost every corner.There are countless varieties of all shapes and sizes on our market. But their characteristics are very different, and sometimes not

Turning the load on and off according to a schedule
I propose for assembly another electronic device designed to automate human life. Its operation can be described as follows: at a given time it turns on the load, and at a specified time it turns off, and the next day the cycle repeats.

Cold smoke generator for cold smoking
I want to tell you how to make a very simple smoke generator for cold, home smoking. The design of the generator will not require much effort or time from you. I love smoked products, and if you choose between hot and cold smoking, then

T-shirt rug
What to do with old T-shirts? This question interests many housewives. But they can be put to good use! For example, you can make a rug from T-shirts. A knitted rug will be in demand both in the apartment and in the country. This rug is comfortable and

How to connect the motor from a washing machine to 220 V
Hi all! Today I will tell and show you how to connect an electric motor from a modern washing machine to a 220 V AC network. I would like to say right away that such motors do not need a starting capacitor.