Crafts with children. Page 2

Master classes:

How to make a cockerel from colored paper

There is very little time left until the New Year! It's time to prepare gifts for loved ones and friends. Don't know what to give to your loved ones? Let's make a symbol for next year - a cockerel. Maybe he can give us some advice and direct our thoughts in the right direction.

Autumn tree

In autumn it is more beautiful than ever. And a very large number of crafts can be made from natural materials in the fall. Anything will do: seeds, nuts, leaves, chestnuts. An amazing and very realistic tree can be made, for example, using dry

How to make a Christmas tree out of paper

Have you ever made a Christmas tree out of green paper palms? Let's try! Moreover, children will really like this process, and there is no way to do this without them. We will need: • a sheet of plain white paper, • double-sided colored paper in 5 colors: -

How to make a postcard with a 3D Christmas tree

Everyone is pleased to become the owner of a handmade gift.Let's try to make a New Year's card out of paper today. We will need: scissors, a sheet of plain white paper, a glue stick, double-sided colored paper in 5 colors...

How to make a Christmas tree toy

On the eve of the New Year, there are a lot of Christmas tree toys and decorations on store shelves. But, perhaps, what is more pleasing to the eye is a DIY Christmas tree toy. Let's try to make a spinning bomb for the Christmas tree.

Children's vacuum cleaner for games

Children, playing role-playing games, get used to various images. And kids are best able to portray their parents leading home life. For such games you need various items that you can make yourself from scrap materials.

Garden in a pot

Not long ago, a line of decorating indoor plants in the form of a garden in pots appeared. It turns out to be a kind of landscape design in miniature. This idea is exciting and has quite a variety of developments. The works of the masters are truly amazing, because...

Toy "Chicken" made from pompoms

All children love toys. But it will be doubly pleasant to play with one that the baby made with his own hands, only occasionally resorting to the help of his parents. Today, crafts made from pompoms are very popular among both experienced needlewomen and

Fish “Nemo” using the trimming technique

The cheerful and fearless clown fish from the cartoon “Finding Nemo” has long been loved by boys and girls.Thanks to this master class, you can quickly and easily make your favorite character together with your child. Simplicity and accessibility of presentation and

Foam and plastic decorations for decorative purposes

Summer is a special time. Many housewives, in addition to daily handicraft work, also take up landscaping of their dacha, garden or suburban area. After all, beautiful flower beds, even beds, as well as educational areas for children’s summer fun are the same

Red horse made of threads (motanka toy)

Cute motanka dolls, which are used with pleasure to decorate interiors in a folk style, and simply to decorate a child’s room, living room, or kitchen. Making them is pleasant and not very difficult, so the idea of ​​​​making such a doll

Cap made of knitting threads

Good afternoon Surely every grandmother has knitting threads at home that her mother wants to throw in the trash. Of course, it’s a shame to throw away large balls of a wide variety of threads, and so I propose an idea on how to make a beautiful one from knitting threads.

Decorative well made from popsicle sticks

Agree that making gifts with your own hands is both exciting and useful. Moreover, such an activity can bring real pleasure! Today we will consider a master class on making a well with a bucket from ice cream sticks. IN


A child learns something new every day; for him, any fact is a real discovery.You can learn about the life of representatives of the animal world from observing them, reading information in encyclopedias, watching feature films or videos on the Internet.

Portfolio in a box

Modern society pays close attention to the development and education of the younger generation. It is becoming fashionable not only to be proud of your child’s talents, but also to systematize his achievements, create folders with documents demonstrating

Openwork vase with paper flowers

Soon the whole country will celebrate the most spring holiday - March 8th. And now many parents and children are coming up with more original crafts, drawing cards, making jewelry, which they will later give to their beloved women: grandmothers,

Cucumbers using papier-mâché technique

Papier-mâché is an amazing technique that is perfect for working even with small children. Using this technique you can make anything your heart desires: a vase, a plate, a toy for the Christmas tree and many dummies. And today we will make crafts for everyone

Volumetric applique “Cheerful Snowman”

Today I will tell you about a three-dimensional applique made from ordinary paper napkins. This exciting work is very popular with children even of preschool age who do not yet know how to use scissors. The main thing is to go to the store and buy more

New Year's toys made of papier-mâché

The papier-mâché technique is ideal for making New Year's toys. With minimal material costs, you can get light and fairly durable crafts of absolutely any shape.On the eve of the coming New Year, we suggest doing

Little snowman

If your child needs to make a New Year's craft for school or kindergarten, then this master class will give you a simple idea. You and your daughter or son can make a funny snowman from scrap materials in just one evening. For work

Postcard "Owls"

Do you want to create a unique, bright and fairly easy-to-make postcard with your own hands? Then this master class will help with this. You will not need to use any unusual materials to complete the job. In addition, such a craft can be

Teacher's Day card

Candies, envelopes, flowers - the standard faceless set on Teacher's Day. I would like to change the attitude of both parents and children to congratulating such an important person in life as a teacher. In this master class we will do it ourselves together with

Bulk fruit

The creative process together with the baby can not only unite, but also enrich the child’s ideas about the world around him. Children willingly bring interesting ideas to life, realizing their creative potential and motor skills. Adult's task

Christmas goat

The Christmas goat is a traditional holiday decoration in Scandinavia. It is often made from straw. I suggest making a Christmas goat winding toy from threads. For work you will need: -2 cocktail straws; - electrical tape or