Crafts. Page 53
Master classes:

Beautiful DIY New Year's candlestick
It is almost impossible to create a truly magical and fairy-tale environment with template objects. And to open the door to a New Year's fairy tale, you need to turn on your imagination and start creating. New Year's decor items are not as difficult to make as this

Picture frame with decorative elements
If you like to draw, assemble puzzles or cross-stitch, then you have undoubtedly at least once encountered the problem of purchasing a frame for your creation. I don’t want to dress my own masterpiece in standard edging, but non-standard solutions

Gift wrap
Sometimes the originality of a gift depends not on the gift itself, but on its packaging. You can, for example, buy a couple of candles or a small towel with the symbol of the coming new year. Such gifts are relatively cheap, but quite practical.

New Year cards made from kraft paper
Our leap year 2016 is coming to an end, and the Year of the Cockerel, 2017, is soon ahead of us.A sea of emotions, positivity, gifts, New Year's miracles, a beautiful visiting Christmas tree, all this awaits us with the arrival of the New Year holidays. New Year,

Bright handmade New Year cards
Behind us are the joys and fears, good luck and bad luck, various positive and negative events of 2016, and the New Year 2017 is ahead of us very soon. According to the eastern calendar, it promises us the arrival of such an animal as the ringing and early Rooster. If

New Year's composition
On the eve of the New Year, you want to completely immerse yourself in the holiday atmosphere. The sparkle of tinsel, the shine of Christmas tree decorations, and multi-colored garlands add a touch of magic and give hope for a miracle to happen. It is on the New Year that your most cherished dreams come true.

Blue paper Christmas tree
For the New Year, most people put up a Christmas tree, decorating it with toys. At the same time, you can not get by with just one forest beauty, but decorate your home with small Christmas trees. This is exactly the kind of paper Christmas tree that we propose to make in our master class. For

Snowflake made from scrap materials
Snow is swirling outside the window. Due to the white veil, the street became significantly lighter. The sky no longer seems so gray and the mood is gloomy. Winter has come - it's time to prepare for the New Year and Christmas. You can’t live without paper crafts in winter. Children

New Year card
The long-awaited New Year is coming soon and you definitely need to buy some presents for all your family and friends. The gift should come with a card, but designer options are expensive. But they are created by the same people.Then why not

Master class on candy composition “Gifts under the Christmas tree”
New Year - which means it's time to give gifts! They are different: beautiful, desirable, tasty, unusual, bright and, of course, festive. This master class will clearly demonstrate how to make a gift that can combine all these qualities.

New Year's pendant - felt orange
On New Year's Eve, we think about what to give to our loved ones, colleagues, how to decorate our home, or what themed craft to make with our child. A pendant in the shape of an orange slice will be the best option for all these cases,

Creation of a New Year's toy "Drum"
To create a toy you will need: - a landscape sheet of paper. - a piece of yellow felt. - glue. - scissors. - thin black cord. - 2 cotton swabs. - brown eye shadow.

Felt toy cheese
Felt toys are considered the safest for children, and if they are sewn by mother’s hands, then they are also the most beloved. As a material, felt looks great in products, it is easy to sew from it, it does not need processing, and the color palette in which it

Fleece cockerel
2016 is coming to an end. Although it was quite difficult for many, because they had to overcome many difficulties and changes, the New Year is always a joyful and long-awaited event, because there will definitely be changes, and there will definitely be

Decoration in the shape of a rooster
Hello, dear site visitors.This toy can decorate a room well for the New Year, because when illuminated it will sparkle and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. Children will really like it, and to make it

Christmas tree made from office paper
You can make many crafts from plain white paper, including New Year's ones. The most common is the snowflake, which is cut out in different shapes. But office paper is also suitable for creating a simple Christmas tree, the manufacturing process

Volumetric felt snowflake
A white, sparkling, openwork and surprisingly symmetrical snowflake has always attracted the eyes of children and adults. It is so beautiful that people try to replicate it in a wide variety of materials. Paper snowflakes are made by children of all ages. Glassblowers

Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree made of viscose napkin
New Year is a magical holiday for every family. The day before, a Christmas tree is installed in all houses and decorated. But children often break Christmas tree decorations, which is very dangerous. For such cases, there are safe Christmas tree toys that can be made

Christmas tree made of viscose napkin
On New Year's Eve, everyone stocks up with interesting items to decorate their home. These are all kinds of garlands, rain showers and Christmas tree decorations. But if you use your imagination a little, you can create something interesting. For example, make such a charming Christmas tree

Christmas tree made of tinsel and jewelry
On the eve of the New Year, apartment owners are haunted by the thought of how interesting and unusual it is to decorate their home for the holiday.Of course, in the center of the room there will be a Christmas tree with purchased and homemade toys; on the windows they will attract

Felt Christmas tree toy
New Year's decor plays an important role in preparing for the most magical holiday, and handmade decorations are part of the magic. Just imagine, with the help of fabric, scissors, threads and ribbons you can create

Felt cabbage
Felt is an amazing material from which you can sew many things, including vegetables or fruits. They will definitely come in handy in a house where there are children, because such felt things help in the learning and development of children. And also with

How to make a cockerel from colored paper
There is very little time left until the New Year! It's time to prepare gifts for loved ones and friends. Don't know what to give to your loved ones? Let's make a symbol for next year - a cockerel. Maybe he can give us some advice and direct our thoughts in the right direction.

Felt banana
Felt toys are safe, and therefore are more often chosen by young mothers. Felt is an amazing material that does not require special processing and is easy to make, even in less experienced hands. Food sewn from felt can be used