Beautiful dahlia made of paper

In winter, you really want to feel a piece of summer or spring. I would like to decorate the interior with something bright and sunny. Today I will help you make your wish come true and teach you how to create beautiful bright flowers to decorate your interior. Such a beautiful flower from

Beautiful aster for mom

Spring will soon end and spring will begin, which means a beautiful day will come - the eighth of March. Children always want to please their mother, grandmother, sister or aunt with some gift. Cards are made, gifts are bought, a delicious dinner is prepared.

Hot water bottle for kettle

To give your family strong aromatic tea, you need to brew it correctly. A teapot warmer will help with this. There are many different ideas for sewing and decorating it. For example, you can make a heating pad in the shape of a funny cat. For work

Merry cow

In kindergarten and school, at home and in the circle of “skillful hands” - everywhere and always children are happy to make bright and interesting crafts, come up with unusual things to decorate the classroom or their room, make original gifts for

Author's paper

Making handmade paper is a very creative and exciting process. The peculiarity of this master class is that to create your own custom paper you will not need any special devices or materials, everything

Pendant with glass-like coating

Among interior items, clothing, and jewelry, you can increasingly find things made in a vintage style, which is characterized by its sophistication and sophistication. It is believed that products created no later than the 80s can be called vintage.

Decorative vase

Any thing made with your own hands has greater value than something simply bought in a store. Especially if it is a piece of furniture, in this case, you can choose any size, shape and style that suits your needs.

Gift box

When going on a visit, we think not only about the gift, but also about how to pack it. I want the gift box to be original and practical. You can make such a box with your own hands. This craft will not take much time and

Postcard panel with 3D effect

Panels are used in interior decoration to fill the walls. There are several types: carved, wooden, artistic, marine themed and others. Most often, a panel with flowers is made, which organically fits into the decor of the room.

Aries figurine using a jigsaw

Artistic cutting of wooden crafts is one of the most popular types of decorative art available to a creative person who does not have special education or training.Original sawmill craftsmen create from wooden

Simple rocket

The idea for this easy and time-consuming fake was born when February 23 was just around the corner. My husband served in the missile forces, so my daughter and I decided to make a rocket. I’ll say right away that this work of art can be made by a child himself,

Quick valentine for Valentine's Day

We all remember how fun it was to give and receive valentines at school. Personally, I always made them myself, it seemed to me that this way they would be more honest and pleasant. Today I will teach you how to make a funny Valentine card yourself. It's very simple and

Vintage box

The art of decoupage became popular in the 18th-19th centuries, when this type of creativity became widespread in Europe. This technique, whose name means “carve” in French, involves transferring an image onto wooden

Carnival top hat

Of course, for a real carnival it is very difficult to make a costume yourself. You need to work hard to make it and think through every little detail. But to create the spirit of the carnival, it is enough for each guest to come up with a small accessory.


To make such a neck, you have to try. Of course, such a task is beyond the power of a small child, but a schoolchild can quite easily fold this bird. The most difficult thing here is to hide the sharp corner inside the craft in the upper part of the figure, and in the rest

indicator paper

A couple of years ago, I “ate” a pack of green onions from the store and ... fell ill for a week ... and when I woke up, I checked the remaining product for nitrate content. I was surprised by the fact that the topic is still relevant today. I bring to your attention a simple and

Original earrings

Polymer clay is one of those materials that is easy and pleasant to work with, without any special skills or tools. The plastic has a pleasant pliable structure that allows you to create real masterpieces,

Restoration of the table

Every person has encountered such a problem as hatred of pieces of furniture. Often, even the most favorite table or box gets boring, and you are ready to give everything not to see it. To solve this problem the most ideal option would be

Earrings “Card suits”

We will need: - quilling paper of two colors; - toothpick; - PVA glue"; - scissors - “Moment” glue (transparent); - metal rings for fastening; - hooks-holders for earrings.

Pencil holder

I suggest you make a pencil holder with your own hands. Moreover, it can be done together with your child (if you have one and have reached an age when you can not be afraid to pick up scissors and glue). So let's get started! You and I will need

Felt Christmas star

Making your own decor is a very exciting activity. Holidays always inspire and give new ideas for creating beautiful products.This unusual decor will come in handy this Christmas as a gift for children or friends. It is carried out very

Magnet Christmas

Few people know that holly is a symbol of Christmas. Christmas winter owls sit on this holly tree, guarding the house. I want to tell you how to make a magnet with these little owls. Napkins can be bought at stationery stores and supermarkets. If not

Greeting card with flowers

Children love to make different applications. So why not invite your child to make such a card himself? Despite the apparent complexity, it is easy to do. The adult only needs to help the child a little. For example, bend cardboard or cut a circle in

"Delicious" Christmas decor

Decorating your home for Christmas is not only an American tradition, it is also popular here. The most interesting thing is to make the decor yourself. Felt is a very convenient material for modeling and making such holiday candies from it is very simple. For