Yarn spider

The Spider toy is made from yarn very quickly and does not require complex materials. For this craft you will need: yarn, scissors, glue stick, markers, white paper, a small piece of cardboard, wire. First you need to make the body of the spider: for this

How to sew a soft toy dog

In order to sew a soft toy with our own hands, we will need two types of cotton fabric, cotton wool for stuffing, threads to match the color of the fabric, a needle, black threads to make the nose and claws, ribbon for decoration, special

Christmas ball made of wrapping paper

Master class on creating a Christmas ball from wrapping paper. It is very easy to make such a craft with your own hands. You can decorate the entire Christmas tree with these balls. You can make your Christmas tree stylish and unique by changing both the size of the toys and

Crochet Christmas tree decoration

You can decorate the Christmas tree with handmade toys. This is easy and simple to do, even if you have never held a hook in your hands before. Just carefully read this master class on creating a toy - a ball for a Christmas tree. In front of you

White-winged gliders, airplane made from ceiling tiles

Recently, small models of gliders made from EPP, or, in other words, from ceiling tiles, have begun to appear in toy stores. Of course, such a toy flies beautifully, can withstand many flights and can be used everywhere, but the prices are steep - $9 per

Textile dog

Childhood is a very important and special time. While the child is small, you can quickly and easily teach him anything. You can start, as they say, from the cradle and you don’t have to worry about it being difficult for your child. If we present training in the form

Educational knitted dog

All children love bright toys. It is especially interesting when such a toy looks like one drawn with colored pencils. Today we will learn how to make just such an unusual, fun and very useful toy for your child. For the manufacture of

A fun toy for your child

Children love to play, especially if the toy seems to have come out of a picture that the child just drew. Bringing drawn characters to life is not difficult and it gives your child a lot of joy and some magic. Today's master class

A happy cat is a well-fed cat

A toy made of natural wool is not only a stylish decorative element, but also a wonderful gift that is not difficult to make with your own hands; it will give warmth and lift your spirits. Anyone who sees such a cat in person will definitely want

Unusual snail

Children love beautiful and unusual toys.As a parent, I know that a trip to the store is never complete without a request to buy some new soft friend. Often you can delight your baby not only with store-bought toys. Healthier for the child

How to get a special decoration?

Namely, decoration made of polymer clay, or, as it is also called, plastic (thermoplastic). This material is quite easy to use: it resembles plasticine. Sometimes it is called “adult plasticine.” And rightly so, because this material is completely

Fabric bird

How amazing and boundless is the imagination and skill of human hands, which make it possible to make from almost any small and inconspicuous piece of fabric something simple, but interesting, and sometimes useful and symbolic, carrying in itself

Christmas tree toy made from a regular light bulb

Everyone loves New Year. Everyone tries to decorate their home with garlands, tinsel, and of course, toys. Our toys will be unique, as they are completely handmade. To implement this idea we need: matting liquid for glass

Shining ball made of colored paper

Decorations for a festive evening are not always available. Today there are many original and simple ways to make decorative elements yourself. We propose to create a shining magic ball from colored paper. Us

Rag doll Snow Maiden

Before the New Year, the counters of shops selling Christmas tree decorations, Christmas souvenirs and tinsel are decorated with soulless beauties Snow Maidens in identical brocade dresses and cheerful Chinese Santa Clauses resembling Santa Claus

Sleeping toy "Dachshund"

What could be more enjoyable than making something with your own hands for your own child? Especially when a homemade thing brings joy to a child. This article will tell you how to sew a cute sleep toy. To do this you will need: - soft

Christmas tree toy made from a light bulb

It is impossible to imagine an apartment in which there would be no light bulb. It has long become a common necessity. But even after the light bulb has served its useful life, it can still be useful. From seemingly unnecessary junk, you can make

Felt toys

Felt is a wonderful material! Anyone who wants to make toys with their own hands can see this! Firstly, felt is very easy to make patterns from. Secondly, it holds its shape perfectly. Thirdly, the felt does not fall off - this means that


The puppy figurine is made from two separate parts. This will not be a flat toy, but a toy that can stand on the table itself without outside help.

How to sew a soft toy from a sock

Probably absolutely everyone has encountered such a problem as the disappearance of the second sock. It seemed like there were two socks, and then after washing one was missing. This happens quite often and several different socks and pairs gradually accumulate in the closet.

Child protection on hinged wardrobe

The “lock” actually has 2 main functions: to prevent the child from opening the cabinet and to distract his attention for a short time. Making the “child protection” will take no more than an hour. This “fixture” is, of course, not suitable for all hinged cabinets. Secure it on the round

Mechanical toy - “Tumbling Bear”

This toy differs from factory-made mechanical toys in that it does not require either a factory or batteries, since it moves according to the laws of physics - the transformation of potential energy into kinetic energy. The main detail of the tumbling bear cub is


This is the kind of toy my father, a radio amateur, soldered. What kind of clever device is this? This is a theremin. A little history, of course, needs to be told. The first theremin was created in 1908 by the Russian scientist and musician Theremin, from where he got his

Soft toy

Probably, each of us, when choosing a gift, had the thought, what if this time we do something with our own hands? After all, such gifts are especially pleasant because they are made with soul.