
Master classes:

Kiwi sorbet is a delicious alternative to ice cream

Adherents of proper nutrition will appreciate fruit sorbet. At home, you can easily make kiwi ice cream that will not harm your figure. This will require a minimum of products and a little free time. IN

New Year's colorful meringues on skewers

Meringues on skewers are light, airy sweets consisting of egg whites, citric acid and sugar. Multi-colored sweets will make an elegant composition that can be placed on the festive table. Not only children will appreciate such a sweet surprise,

Brownies in 5 minutes in the microwave

A delicious chocolate dessert requires about half an hour for the preparatory process and the same amount of time for baking. To prepare it, use chocolate, eggs, sugar, milk or cream. Sometimes coconut or berries are added to the dough. But

Making apple pastille

Do you always want to munch on something sweet, but at the same time you have to severely limit yourself for fear of gaining extra pounds? Familiar feeling? Then you definitely need to try making apple marshmallows. Easy to prepare, eat

Toothy dessert

Your guests will simply be torn to shreds from surprise if you serve them this truly terribly wonderful dessert. This dish will definitely be remembered for a long time. Usually this is done for Halloween, but no one bothers to diversify boring everyday life and a little

Simple and delicious milk ice cream with cherries

Cherries are one of those berries that rarely appear in fresh dishes, but they become an excellent filling, an addition to the main taste. Dairy ice cream is a neutral sweet product, there are no special frills in it. Cherries falling into

Banana ice cream with kefir

On hot summer days, of course, you need a supply of homemade ice cream, which will help out both on a sultry afternoon and on a warm lazy evening. But the common option with heavy cream is not always satisfactory.

Homemade ice cream recipe

The taste of real creamy ice cream cannot be confused with anything - it is the taste of childhood. It turns out that making homemade ice cream is very simple. It contains only natural and affordable ingredients. And any seasonal berries will help diversify the taste.

Delicious homemade lollipops

Lollipops, the main ingredient of which is granulated sugar, are an amazingly tasty delicacy from our childhood. They can be given any shape, color and aroma, but the sugar base remains unshakable for several centuries. Transparent

Grapefruit marmalade

Desserts based on natural citrus fresh juice and agar-agar are a good option for creating homemade jelly sweets. Grapefruit enriches the taste of marmalade, giving it a piquant slight bitterness and a delicate aroma.By the same principle you can do

Spiced cranberry marmalade

Bright, mega-healthy and very tasty marmalade, created on the basis of cranberries, aromatic spices and agar-agar. This delicacy can be given even to small children. This sweetness is a good substitute for store-bought sweets that contain artificial

No-bake cake made from cookies and bananas

For every celebration, every hostess has a recipe for her own signature cake. But it often happens that after preparing the main courses and appetizers, there is no time, and sometimes even energy, left to prepare the cake. That's when it comes to the rescue

Candied melon

What should I chew? Personally, I hear this question every day, more than once. Although, most likely, for most mothers it has already become familiar. Sweets prepared at home cannot be compared with store-bought ones, but sometimes there is not enough time,

Fruit ice

Homemade fruit ice is much healthier than an industrially produced product. You control the process from start to finish and can be sure that there are no harmful additives or chemical dyes. To thicken you can

Summer dessert for children and adults

How can you surprise your guests? It’s very simple to make a summer and delicious dessert - chocolate covered fruits. The good thing about this dessert is that it doesn’t take much time to prepare and is easy to make. Adults and children will be delighted with this delicacy!

How to prepare airy meringue?

Preparing the meringue will take about two hours, but it is best to leave the meringue to dry for another day.If the meringue is dried properly, the meringue core is dry and not sticky, it is easy to bite and melts in the mouth. Meringue was loved by both adults and children,

Cottage cheese Easter with chocolate top

Old monastery books and home cooking notebooks contain many recipes for the festive Easter cottage cheese - “thickened milk”. Any of them can be strictly followed or used as a source of inspiration. The simplest version is not

Delicious cake “Anthill”

This cake is my favorite. In our family, “Anthill” is prepared in a great mood. This is quite a troublesome task, but the result is always beyond praise. There is nothing tastier than a slice of this cake with a glass of cold milk.

Homemade bird's milk (sour cream jelly)

Of course, this is not the original recipe for a well-known dish, but it tastes very much like it. The dessert is prepared using sour cream and it turns out unusually tender, light and airy. Served in portions, in a glass or on dishes, if you take more

Candied orange peels without oil

Preparing dried fruits in this way is an excellent solution for saving money, and it is also a good solution for preparing a healthy product. This recipe is remarkable because absolutely all products are used and nothing

Deep fried donuts

Recently, cooking has become my favorite pastime. Cooking new and interesting dishes excites me and allows me to relax. Think for yourself how interesting the process of transforming simple products into unusual and tasty dishes is. When in

Handmade apple pastille

In autumn, apples ripen in home gardens. Some housewives grow semi-wild small fruits, others grow large but sour green fruits. We are faced with the question of how to process this huge amount of apples, which are not always sweet and tasty for

Royal pears

Autumn time, in addition to the long-awaited coolness, pleases us with a new, rich harvest of fruits, berries, vegetables and fruits. One of which is pear. Its beneficial properties are difficult to overestimate, and the variety of dishes in which it is used is countless.

Sweet rolls with protein-sugar cream

Sweet pastries are always a holiday for the family. Those housewives who often pamper their household with delicious treats know that with homemade products, tea drinking is doubly tastier and more desirable. This recipe for delicious rolls with delicate cream will surprise everyone for