Decor. Page 7

Master classes:


From the simplest objects you can make interesting and unusual decorations for your home. Take, for example, cardboard rolls left over from paper napkins or toilet paper. From such a simple and seemingly absolutely unnecessary material,

Decorative candles

The use of candles can not only decorate a boring and dull interior, but also create a special, unique mood. At the same time, candles never overload the interior; it is not for nothing that they are the main decorative item in the minimalist style. If you

Sea salt candle holder

There is probably no design that does not take into account such cute and heart-warming everyday little things as paintings, frames, clocks, candles and, of course, candlesticks - they always have a place even in the most conceptual interior. And decorative elements in

Panel “Mysterious couple” using iris folding technique

There is such an interesting technique in needlework as iris folding. It is mainly used in making paper crafts.But I prefer working with textiles. Therefore, almost all of my works are made using the iris folding technique from fabric.

"Delicious" Christmas decor

Decorating your home for Christmas is not only an American tradition, it is also popular here. The most interesting thing is to make the decor yourself. Felt is a very convenient material for modeling and making such holiday candies from it is very simple. For

Souvenir boot

Children associate such a boot with fairy tales and miracles. Therefore, the child will be happy to put aside all his children’s affairs in order to make the same beautiful and slightly magical shoes together with his mother. And for this you need to prepare: • thick cardboard; •

Chest made of plastic bottles

There are always a couple of empty plastic bottles in the house, especially in summer. A minimum of skill, a little perseverance and diligence, a little imagination, improvised materials, a couple of hours of time, a lot of desire and... a wonderful plastic chest

Decorating a lantern

A candlestick in the form of a lantern is an original interior decoration. In the darkness of the room, a flashlight leaves bizarre shadows on the walls and ceiling - in the shape of stars, as well as in the form of butterflies painted on the glass. Decorating it is very interesting and not

Decorating the tiles

Many people have probably encountered a situation where, after purchasing an apartment, the interior left over from the previous owners wants to redo it, but there is not enough money. So we find ourselves in this situation. White “Sovkov” tiles in the kitchen are not

New Year's decor: "Winter's Tale".

How do you decorate your home for the New Year? Of course, a decorated Christmas tree and garlands on doorposts are beyond competition. But you can try to create a fairy tale even in the most inconspicuous corner of your home. In this case, you do not need exotic materials

Beautiful curtain holder

Light helps create coziness in the house. Therefore, it is very important that every element of the interior fits harmoniously. There are curtains and curtains for this. They come in different directions and have a style that is sharply different from each other. TO

Art Deco mirror

You can decorate your interior in the now fashionable and non-trivial art deco style with your own hands, without resorting to purchasing expensive designer decorative items. A mirror will exclusively highlight this luxurious style.

Plate with three-dimensional image

Antique styling: decorative plate with a three-dimensional image. I really like antique things. There is a certain mysterious charm of time in them: they once decorated the interior of the estate, witnessed the fate of its inhabitants, and then

Amazing photo panel

We all love interior photography. You can place them on walls, on shelves, bedside tables, and so on. We are already accustomed to the fact that photographs can be framed - it’s beautiful and standard. However, if you want something unusual in the interior, then I

Openwork candle

An openwork candle can be a beautiful touch in your interior design, which can give you some special atmosphere, or can be an attractive addition to a romantic evening or night. In addition, openwork cutting differs from ordinary

Painting "Money Tree"

Is it possible to make a nice souvenir with your own hands, the cost of which will not exceed only 18 rubles? Yes, if you want to make a Money Tree painting. The craft is not complicated and symbolic, from the category of gifts for those who have everything.

Making a painting from veneer

You can make an original piece of furniture yourself from available materials. Even a teenager can create his own painting. The work is not difficult, but the task requires patience and accuracy. When making crafts, you should not rush.

Tabletop decorative fountain

Everyone wants to make the interior of their home original. A tabletop decorative fountain is one of the best solutions available to everyone. When purchasing a finished product, you may encounter the problem of choosing color, shape and design.

Photo frame made of Chinese chopsticks

New Year is coming. The mood is festive and joyful. I want to celebrate the New Year with my close and family friends and give them unusual gifts, and even handmade ones. I want to tell you how I brought to life a gift for my beloved

New Year's wreath

The idea of ​​decorating the doors of our homes with New Year's wreaths came to us not so long ago.They are made from dry twigs, from cones and nuts, from spruce, pine and even laurel branches. Well, today we will make a New Year's wreath from materials that can be used without

Decorative composition of branches

During the last cleanup, in order to combine business with pleasure, I collected dry branches. I had the idea to paint the branches in snake color and make a decorative composition out of them for the upcoming Year of the Snake. In the end, I simplified the idea,

Photo frame decorated with cereals

A little imagination, glue, paint and... cereal and a standard, unattractive photo frame can turn into a real exclusive. Such a souvenir will cost pennies, but thanks to the embossed mother-of-pearl surface it will look unusual and

Bottle with cereal

Such bottles are sold in specialized gift stores. But, excuse me, you can make them yourself! There is nothing complicated here. A little creative translation of the products available in the house, a minimum of effort and we will get a wonderful

Wedding champagne

For work you will need: a bottle of champagne, water-based paint, a sponge, various ribbons, beads, livestock or colored adhesive tape, scissors, super moment gel glue, threads, a needle.