You are unlikely to find a better recipe for cooking crucian carp

Crucian carp is perhaps the most common freshwater fish. It can live and reproduce in the most incredible conditions, which explains its abundance. But this is also one of the most delicious fish, especially if cooked in sour cream. This does not require any special tricks or special ingredients - everything is simple, affordable and very tasty.
You are unlikely to find a better recipe for cooking crucian carp

What you will need:

  • - large crucian carp - 2 pcs.;
  • - full-fat sour cream (from 20%) - 250 gr.;
  • - vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • - wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • - salt - to taste.

Preparation: 1 hour. For 2 persons.
You are unlikely to find a better recipe for cooking crucian carp

Recipe for delicious crucian carp in sour cream

For the dish to be tasty, the fish must be fresh, ideally alive. Frozen crucian carp lose some of their taste. I have two large crucian carp, weighing about half a kilogram each, so I take one fish per serving. You can take small crucian carp at a rate of 2-3 pieces, depending on the size. The first stage is the most difficult and time-consuming: the fish must be cleaned and gutted. The inside of the carcass must be thoroughly freed from the black film and washed thoroughly. Whether to leave the head, fins and tails is up to you.I have large carcasses, so I cut off the tails and removed some of the fins. For small ones, you don’t need to trim them. If you decide to keep the heads, the gills must be removed. On the cleaned carcasses we will make several shallow oblique cuts in the dorsal area - this will help partially get rid of small bones, and the fish itself will be better fried. Prepared carcasses must be blotted with paper towels outside and inside. Then rub them with salt and leave for 10-15 minutes.
You are unlikely to find a better recipe for cooking crucian carp

Roll crucian carp in flour. It is important that the carcasses are not too wet and that the flour does not turn into batter.
You are unlikely to find a better recipe for cooking crucian carp

Fry the crucian carp on both sides until golden brown. Then carefully transfer them to a baking dish. It must first be lubricated with oil. You can use vegetable oil for lubricating or, as I did, butter.
You are unlikely to find a better recipe for cooking crucian carp

Spread sour cream on top of the fish, covering the carcasses completely. The fattier the sour cream, the tastier the fish will be. If your sour cream is not high in fat, you can put a few pieces of butter on the fish, and then pour in sour cream. Then place the pan in a hot oven and bake until done. At 200 degrees it takes 25-30 minutes.
You are unlikely to find a better recipe for cooking crucian carp

I don’t use any spices other than salt, and I don’t add onions, garlic or other vegetables, because they are absolutely not needed here. This is the very case when the best is the enemy of the good. The taste of crucian carp in sour cream does not need additional improvement or enhancement with the help of any additives.
You are unlikely to find a better recipe for cooking crucian carp

It is better to serve crucian carp hot; potatoes, boiled or fried, are very good as a side dish. However, when cold, crucian carp in sour cream is also quite tasty. The only drawback of this fish is the abundance of bones, so be careful. And Bon Appetit!
You are unlikely to find a better recipe for cooking crucian carp

Bon appetit!
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