Stuffed Toys. Page 4

Master classes:

Computer work pillow

When working on a computer for a long time, not only your fingers get tired, but also your wrists and hands in general. In worst cases, carpal tunnel syndrome can occur, characterized by wrist pain and numbness in the fingers. This is due to local compression of the nerve,

Dog toy bag

Our little girls love to be like adults. And for this they simply need an accessory such as a handbag. And so that it is not boring, I will tell you how to make it in the form of a soft toy - a poodle. It will not just be a place where

Keychain in the shape of an animal with embroidery

What materials will be needed for this? - Textile. Absolutely any, you probably have unnecessary scraps of fabric lying around somewhere. In this master class, denim fabric, which used to be jeans, was used. - Multi-colored thread remnants. Here

Soft toy without pattern

The history of sewing toys, including soft ones, begins long before our era. Toys were made from everything: wooden, animal bones, porcelain, clay, scraps, etc. In those days, toys were expensive and practically unavailable


The ancient teachings of Feng Shui convince us that souvenirs in the form of a couple attract and retain love. Therefore, Valentine's Day is an excellent occasion to present such a talisman to your loved ones. To sew lovebirds, prepare: - cotton fabric in

Minion box

Funny yellow creatures called minions have won not only children's hearts, but also adults. Probably everyone would like to have such a cute creature at home. Today we offer you a Master Class on creating a minion from scraps

Soft toy cat in the shape of a heart

You can congratulate your loved ones on the holiday with expensive gifts from the store. But besides this, it will be nice to get a little surprise. A cute cat in the shape of a heart will be a great present for a birthday or March 8th. Charming

Sock monkey

In any family there is a bag or box where mittens and socks that have lost their pair are stored. This fun craft allows you to not only sew together your child’s favorite new soft toy, but also to unload your supplies. After all, a monkey

Little owl sisters

To make toys you will need the following: - fabric (plush), - suede (for the “eyes”, “beak” and “legs”), - sketch paper, - pencil, - scissors, - thick paper (for the “eyes”) , - sewing machine, - needle and nylon thread, - cotton wool, - iron, -

Fleece snail

I bring to your attention an original fleece toy “Snail”. Even a child can sew it, and in an extremely short time. All you need for creativity is a piece of fleece (or thin felt) of any color, matching threads,

Rag doll – Dunno

My granddaughter really loves boy dolls, so without thinking twice I gave her my next “masterpiece.” Everything, as usual, begins with transferring the paper pattern onto fabric. I always sew dolls from linen. The patterns were cut out with allowances, basted, sewn,

Amulet doll

In the modern world of handicrafts there are a lot of different directions for making things, household items, toys, etc. with your own hands. Nowadays it is fashionable to sew Tilde dolls. But, unfortunately, our ancient Slavic

Fluffy Valentine

On the eve of Valentine's Day, many girls and boys are thinking about a gift for their other half. After all, everyone wants to give a gift not only out of respect for their other half, but also wants to surprise her and please her with a beautiful

Dress for a doll

Probably every girl, while still just a child, played with dolls, in particular, with daughters and mothers.What is most interesting is that these dolls were not from ordinary families, but they played the role of queens and princesses, they lived beautifully and beautifully, and most importantly, they wore

Pink cat Murzik

All children love soft toys. The kids don’t leave them for a minute; they walk with them, sleep and even eat with them. For children, this is not just a toy, but their best friend with whom they can have fun and interesting time. Wide range in

Amulet doll made of threads

I really love working with threads. I knit, crochet, embroider, make paintings in the style of string art and thread printing. It relaxes you so much after a hard day, distracts you from routine household chores, that the next morning you want to live and work again.


On the eve of the New Year holidays, I propose to knit a cute deer, which you can give to friends or keep for yourself as decoration, or simply make your child happy. For this we need: yarn of brown, dark brown and

Cat - pillow

I have twins who really like outdoor games. I wanted to make something unusual and pleasant and, at the same time, functional for them. Pillows in the form of toys are just the thing, and you can sleep on them and with them, and sometimes throw them at each other.

Rag doll with inset eyes

I’ve long wanted to make myself—yes, yes, exactly myself—a doll the size of a newborn child. The girl turned out to be soft, the grandchildren willingly play with her, and for me she reminds me of a granddaughter in her absence. Increase the pattern to a distance of 18 cm between the ears,

Indian doll

My five-year-old granddaughter watched a cartoon about Indians and really liked the hero. I decided to give her a gift and sewed an Indian doll. She was delighted. Now this is her favorite doll. It sews easily. To do this, transfer the patterns onto the fabric,

Sleeping baby doll

I would like to bring to your attention the making of a sleeping baby doll. It is very easy to make; those who have not yet made a soft toy can safely take up the work. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right material, namely fleece. It will take a little fabric,


Hello, dear readers. Today I will tell you how to make a cute cockerel from scrap materials that can attract the attention of your child, and the child will be able to play with this toy while you are busy.

Goat from a pompom fur coat

Hello, dear readers, today I will tell you how to sew a nice “Goat” toy for the New Year, which can be hung on the Christmas tree as a decoration. According to ancient Eastern belief, toys sewn in the image of a symbol

Christmas tree toy “Bunny”

Hello, dear site visitors! Today I will tell you how to make a “Bunny” toy with your own hands, which can be used as a decoration for the New Year’s holiday, or as a keychain for a car, or just as a funny one.