Original decoration for a stylish girl

All girls know the situation when there is no suitable jewelry to go with a beautiful outfit. If you have ever done something with your own hands, then this master class will be able to help you out more than once the next time you don’t find any accessories

Case for phone

A phone case is a very necessary thing. It simultaneously protects the phone from damage and is a decoration. And an unusual case, made by yourself, will also emphasize the individuality of its owner. For example, you can make a case from felt

Luxurious picture frame

Everyone knows how the environment changes, all you have to do is hang a few paintings on the wall. Especially those, you know, solid, luxurious ones, in a heavy gilded frame. But, it’s worth asking the price for such picture frames in framing workshops, as they cover


The power of the play of light in terms of organizing comfort and coziness in the home has long been proven. Sconces, floor lamps, lamps - each of these lighting devices creates its own, unique contribution to the overall ambiance of the apartment. Sometimes, looking at a truly interesting and non-standard

Panel “Mysterious couple” using iris folding technique

There is such an interesting technique in needlework as iris folding. It is mainly used in making paper crafts. But I prefer working with textiles. Therefore, almost all of my works are made using the iris folding technique from fabric.

"Delicious" Christmas decor

Decorating your home for Christmas is not only an American tradition, it is also popular here. The most interesting thing is to make the decor yourself. Felt is a very convenient material for modeling and making such holiday candies from it is very simple. For


Even the most inexperienced craftswomen can create such an original decoration for the New Year tree with their own hands. To do this, you will need leftover yarn of two colors and knitting needles No. 3 or even slightly thinner. It’s better, of course, to take orange and green yarn

Advent calendar

The Advent calendar first appeared in European countries, and later it began to be used in America. In Ukraine, such a calendar is just beginning to become popular. The idea of ​​a special calendar is intended for children, it shows

Festive garland

How to decorate your house for the holiday? Any holiday must be decorated accordingly. New Year is a Christmas tree and sparkling rain, birthday is balloons, Valentine's Day is a variety of hearts, March 8 is flowers. And almost every

Twine jewelry

Surely every craftsman who doesn’t mind spending his free time creating some kind of decoration or just a trinket has thought about making an original New Year’s decoration with his own hands. This master class will be

Original photo frame

After repairs, small scraps of plastic panels always remain. They lie idle and litter the room. There is an opportunity to give them a second life - in the form of beautiful and absolutely exclusive photo frames.

Funny cat made of fabric

Sewing a funny cat toy will not be difficult. But such a wonderful cat will become one of your baby’s favorite toys! And the cat is not simple, he is a real “gentleman”! And it’s okay that he has such funny pantaloons. Look what kind of

Snow Maiden made of colored paper

Funny and easy-to-make crafts based on paper cones are probably familiar to everyone. We will tell you how you can make such a craft more interesting using the simplest elements of the quilling technique. As the New Year approaches,

New Year's snowflake on the wall

We are all looking forward to the New Year holidays. Let's start decorating the house. Let's make a decoration for the New Year's tree and home - a “New Year's snowflake”. Such a snowflake can be hung on the wall and decorated with a New Year tree. It's easy and simple to do.

Master class on creating a New Year's toy, a ball made from CDs.

New Year's celebration awaits us all, it is better to prepare for it in advance. Let's create New Year's toys ourselves from available materials.A ball of disks will be a wonderful decoration for a New Year tree or fir branches in a vase. You can decorate your house with these balls:

Chest made of plastic bottles

There are always a couple of empty plastic bottles in the house, especially in summer. A minimum of skill, a little perseverance and diligence, a little imagination, improvised materials, a couple of hours of time, a lot of desire and... a wonderful plastic chest

Box with a teddy bear

This cute little box is not difficult to make. Thanks to its unusual shape and original design, the box will be a wonderful interior decoration. You can store any small jewelry in it: rings, earrings, chains.

Christmas tree made of gold wrapping paper

An original golden Christmas tree made from wrapping paper will decorate any table. Thanks to the use of shiny gold paper, decorating the tree with additional accessories is completely unnecessary. Even without toys and decorations she looks bright and

Decoupage snowflakes for Christmas tree

The New Year is coming soon and we want to create some kind of toy or decoration for our New Year's guest - a Christmas tree with our own hands. Toys made using the decoupage technique look very good. Let's consider a detailed master class with a step-by-step description of the entire process.

Snowflake made of beads

Beautiful and delicate snowflakes are an excellent decoration for a New Year's costume or Christmas tree. Making them is not only simple, but also interesting. For work you will need: - beads; - thin fishing line or wire; - scissors.

Cross stitch from photo

In these days of high technology and complete automation, manual work is valued very, very highly. Cross-stitched paintings convey warmth and sincerity. And if these paintings are modernized and some originality is introduced into them, then the creation

Corrugated paper rose

This master class is about giant roses made of corrugated paper. This rose will be a wonderful decoration for a photo shoot and at any occasion, be it a wedding, a birthday celebration or a party. Thanks to the description below, you can easily

Christmas wreath

Soon the New Year will come to your doorstep, which means you should prepare for it properly. You should prepare both for the delicious dishes on your table and for the decorations in your apartment. In addition, it is worth preparing yourself and your soul for the arrival of a happy

Decorative pillow

Pillows allow you to experiment with fabrics in different styles, types and patterns. To make a pillow, you can use the remaining scraps that have not found use. Such pillows will complement the interior, serve as decoration, and create